
Pyfilesystem2 over SMB using pysmb

filesystem, Pyfilesystem2, smb, cifs, samba
pip install miarec-smbfs==2024.1.1


miarec_smbfs SMB filesystem for PyFilesystem2

Actions License

This is a fork of fs.smbfs

The code was modified by MiaRec team to fullfill our needs.

Notable differences between miarec_s3fs and fs-s3fs

  1. Requires Python 3.7+. A support of older version of Python was removed.

  2. The opener protocol prefix is msmb:// (instead of the original smb://)


PyFilesystem2 PyPI fs Source fs License fs
six PyPI six Source six License six
PySMB PyPI pysmb Source pysmb License pysmb

miarec_smbfs supports Python versions 3.7+


Install directly from PyPI, using pip :

$ pip install miarec_smbfs



Use fs.open_fs to open a filesystem with an SMB FS URL:

import fs
smb_fs = fs.open_fs('msmb://username:password@SAMBAHOSTNAME:port/share')

The opener can use either an IPv4 address or a NetBIOS hostname, using the NetBIOS name service to find the other token. Otherwise, if NetBIOS is not available, a new SMB connection can be established by using the IPv4 address and giving the hostname with the hostname URL parameter.

The following parameters can be passed as URL parameters: timeout, name-port, direct-tcp, hostname, and domain.


import miarec_smbfs
smb_fs = miarec_smbfs.SMBFS(
    host, username="guest", passwd="", timeout=15,
    port=139, name_port=137, direct_tcp=False, domain=""

with each argument explained below:

  • host: either the host name (not the FQDN) of the SMB server, its IP address, or both in a tuple. If either the IP address or the host name is not given, NETBIOS is queried to get the missing data.
  • user: the username to connect with, defaults to "guest" for anonymous connection.
  • passwd: an optional password to connect with, defaults to "" for anonymous connection.
  • timeout: the timeout, in seconds, for NetBIOS and TCP requests.
  • port: the port the SMB server is listening on.
  • name_port: the port the NetBIOS naming service is listening on.
  • direct_tcp: set to True if the server is accessible directly through TCP, leave as False for maximum compatibility.
  • domain: the network domain to connect with, i.e. the workgroup on Windows. Usually safe to leave as empty string, the default.

Once created, the SMBFS filesystem behaves like any other filesystem (see the Pyfilesystem2 documentation), except if it was open in the root directory of the server, in which case the root directory of the SMBFS instance will be read-only (since SMB clients cannot create new shares).


Automated unit tests are run on GitHub Actions

To run the tests locally, do the following.

Install Docker on local machine.

Create activate python virtual environment:

python -m vevn venv
source venv\bin\activate

Install the project and test dependencies:

pip install -e ".[test]"

Run tests:



miarec_smbfs is developed and maintained by MiaRec

The original code (fs.smbfs) was developed by: