
Library for SRAM and EERAM memories for micropython

pip install micropython-sram==0.0.1



SRAM/EERAM library for micropython

Primary used to work with 23LCV1024 (SPI SRAM with battery backup) memory which can be used as EEPROM/Flash but with unlimited number of writes. For applications where you need offten writes.

Simple code just use default sequenatial mode and allow to read/write whole SRAM memory, in case of 23LCV1024 it's full 128kB.

Nice2have TODO:

  • support also other chips (for example 47xx, 48xx) and protocols (like I2C)
  • IO Stream support
  • Page/Byte access modes (for example to prevent overwritting other data by buffer overflow)
  • Filesystem emulation (? - maybe if there will be IOStream, then someother lib could be used?)
  • Direct support to write other data types than buffer ? Like string, int