

strain-level, metagenomics, pangenome, genotyping, MIDAS
pip install midasv3==1.0.0


MIDAS-IGGdb temporary documentation

The MIDAS-IGGdb tool under construction in this repo is based on the original MIDAS tool with modifications that integrate all 23,790 species from IGGdb, which are derived by clustering a total of 206,581 genomes from PATRIC, IMG, and the Human Gut MAG dataset to 95% identity.

In contrast, the original MIDAS db version 1.2 represents only 30,000 genomes clustered to 5,926 species at 99% identity.

A verbatim copy of the original documentation is still maintained in this repo while it is under construction.


Download s3://microbiome-bdimitrov/IGGdb/v1.0.0/{metadata, iggsearch, repgenomes} and clone github.com/czbiohub/MIDAS-IGGdb right next to each other. This lets the run.sh script find everything automatically.

Species abundance estimation

To support the larger database, the original MIDAS run_species command is being deprecated in favor of the new IGGSearch tool.

Variant calling - single sample

  1. For any sample_dir of your choice, run iggsearch with output dir sample_dir/results/iggsearch

  2. /path/to/MIDAS-IGGdb/run.sh snps sample_dir/results -1 sample_dir/*.1.fastq -2 sample_dir/*.2.fastq -t 24

Results will appear in sample_dir/results/snps.

Variant calling - pooled

After running the single-sample variant calling workflow above for several samples, results can be merged and annotated as follows.

ls sample_dir_*/results > samples.txt   # list of all samples to run on
/path/to/MIDAS-IGGdb/run.sh merge snps . -i samples.txt -t file --threads 24

Results will appear in ${OUTDIR}/OTU-* (one folder per species present).

Variant calling - batch of samples - fixed subset of species

This workflow is new in MIDAS-IGGdb. It builds a bowtie DB for a fixed set of species, then aligns a set of samples against that DB, and counts SNPS in each sample. Genomic positions with zero mapped reads are omitted from the output. Tested with 975 species and 40 samples. Could easily do more.

  1. Build a bowtie DB using the new --all_species_in_db and --dbtoc options to specify your desired subset of species. Use any sample_dir (any actual sample data in that dir will be ignored; the database will be constructed from all species listed in the dbtoc argument).
/path/to/MIDAS-IGGdb/run.sh snps sample_dir/results -t 48 --build-db --all_species_in_db --dbtoc /path/to/IGGdb/v1.0.0/gtpro_subset_975/species_info.tsv
  1. Save that DB to a central location.
mv sample_dir/results/temp /path/to/IGGdb/v1.0.0/gtpro_subset_975_bowtie2_repgenomes
  1. Perform alignment on all samples using the --bowtie-db just built.
for f in <....list of sample dirs....>; do
    test -e $f/results/snps/temp/genomes.bam && echo "Alignment already completed for $f" && continue
    rm -f $f.SUCCESS && touch $f.FAILURE
    /path/to/MIDAS-IGGdb/run.sh snps $f/results -1 $f/sample_reads.fastq -t 48 --align --all_species_in_db --dbtoc /path/to/IGGdb/v1.0.0/gtpro_subset_975/species_info.tsv --bowtie-db /path/to/IGGdb/v1.0.0/gtpro_subset_975_bowtie_repgenomes && rm $f.FAILURE && touch $f.SUCCESS
  1. Perform pileup on all samples. It's faster with the --sparse flag.
for f in <....list of sample dirs....>; do
    test -e $f/results/snps/summary.txt && echo "Pileup already completed for $f" && continue
    rm -f $f.SUCCESS && touch $f.FAILURE
    /path/to/MIDAS-IGGdb/run.sh snps $f/results -1 $f/sample_reads.fastq -t 48 --pileup --sparse --all_species_in_db --dbtoc /path/to/IGGdb/v1.0.0/gtpro_subset_975/species_info.tsv && rm $f.FAILURE && touch $f.SUCCESS

When using a remote machine, it's best to save the above snippets into script files and run under nohup or screen.

Each stage will emit SUCCESS or FAILURE files as appropriate for every sample. The pileup for each genome in the specified subset will be in sample_dir/output (for each sample_dir).

TODO: True batch mode to avoid paying the startup cost per sample.

Building the MIDAS-IGGdb database

To accommodate the vast increase in source data and support its further enrichment for SNP calling, we've created a MIDAS-IGG tool called SMELTER that supercedes the legacy build_midas_db tool.

All inputs and outputs of SMELTER on the IGG data set are cached on the CZ Biohub S3 under s3://microbiome-bdimitrov/IGGdb and open to public download.

SMELTER supports the following workflows.

Construct GSNAP DB for all IGGdb genomes

/path/to/smelter/main.py collate_repgenomes /fast-scratch-space/new_work_dir /path/to/IGGdb/v1.0.0/metadata/species_info.tsv
cd /fast-scratch-space/new_work_dir
nohup time gmap_build -D . -d repgenomes_nt16 -k 16 repgenomes.fa
rmdir repgenomes_nt16.maps
mv /fast-scratch-space/new_work_dir /path/to/IGGdb/v1.0.0/gsnap_repgenomes

Then repeat for pangenomes instead of repgenomes.

This also works on a subset of the entire species_info.tsv file, e.g. /path/to/IGGdb/v1.0.0/my_subset_metadata/species_info.tsv