
A Python interface for asynchronous MIDI data collection using PsychoPy

pip install midi-psychopy==0.0.1


midi-psychopy - A Python interface for asynchronous MIDI data collection

The MIDI Interface is a Python package designed to interact with MIDI devices through the Mido library. It provides functionality to receive and transmit MIDI data asynchronously, which is useful for real-time data collection in PsychoPy experiments.


You can install the MIDI Interface package using pip:

pip install midi-psychopy


Basic Usage - Collecting MIDI Data

import time
import pandas as pd
from midi_controller import MidiController

# Create an instance of MidiController
controller = MidiController(device_name='UM-ONE')

# Start data collection

# Let the program run for some time (e.g., 10 seconds)

# Stop data collection

# Access the collected MIDI data

In PsychoPy

The setup for using the MidiController in a PsychoPy experiment is similar to the basic usage. Users can follow the steps below to integrate the MidiController into their experiment:

  1. Create a code component in the PsychoPy Builder interface inside the routine where you want to collect MIDI data.
  2. Import and instantiate the MidiController object in the "Begin Experiment" tab.
import os
import pandas as pd
from midi_controller import MidiController

# Create an instance of MidiController
# Note that globalClock is a standard PsychoPy variable that can be used to synchronize the MIDI data with the
# PsychoPy global timer.
midi_controller = MidiController(device_name='UM-ONE', psychopy_global_timer=globalClock)

# Initialize a DataFrame to store the collected MIDI data
keypress_data = pd.DataFrame()

# Also initialize a variable to keep track of the trial number
trial_count = 0

# Define the path to save the data
# expInfo is standard PsychoPy variable. make sure to check the name of the identifying variable in your experiment 
# (i.e., participant is the default name for the participant ID defined in the "Experiment Info" section of the "Basic" 
# tab in the PsychoPy GUI's "Properties" window).
par_id = expInfo['participant']  
save_dir = os.path.abspath(f'./')
file_name = f'par_{par_id}.csv'
save_path = f'{save_dir}/{file_name}'
  1. Start data collection in the "Begin Routine" tab.
# Start data collection
  1. Stop data collection in the "End Routine" tab.
# Stop data collection

Alternatively, a conditional statement can also be used in the "Each Frame" tab to terminate data collection based on certain conditions.

if some_condition:
  1. Store the collected MIDI data in the "End Experiment" tab.

Because the start_data_collection() method would reset the collected data (sequence_out_full) each time it is called, the data should be stored locally as a csv file or in a Pandas DataFrame.

temp_out = midi_controller.sequence_out_full
# Add a column to store the trial number. If there are other variables to store, add them here.
temp_out['trial'] = trial_count

trial_count += 1

# Append the collected data to the keypress_data DataFrame
keypress_data = pd.concat([keypress_data, temp_out], ignore_index=True)

# Save the data to a csv file in case the experiment crashes


  • Python 3.x
  • Mido
  • Pandas


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

MIDI Interface

For more details about the underlying MIDI interface used by the MidiController, refer to midi_interface.py.