
Query and control of WiFi-enabled iZone 310 and compatible family of climate control devices

pip install mikenye-pyizone==0.1



This python module aims to implement query and control of WiFi-enabled iZone 310 and compatible family of climate control devices.

Installing pre-requisites

Clone the repository, change into the directory and run pip install -r requirements.txt.

It will require python3, and has been tested with version 3.5 and later.

Using as a command line tool

You can import this module to use it as a command line tool.

You could also set an alias, for example:

alias izone='python3 -m pyizone'

View help

$ python3 -m pyizone
usage: izone [-h] [--verbose] {discover,get,set} ...

Control a control-bridge equipped iZone airconditioning system

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  --verbose, -v

Available subcommands:

Discover devices

$ python3 -m pyizone discover
Found 1 iZone Controls-Bridge:
  Device ID: 000000XXX (at: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxxx)
Run 'export IZONE_DEVICE=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx' to automatically target this controls-bridge for all future izone commands.
$ export IZONE_DEVICE=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

Querying settings

$ python3 -m pyizone get fan
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: System fan is: low
$ python3 -m pyizone get mode
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: System mode is: vent

Setting settings

$ python3 -m pyizone set power on
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: System power is: on
$ python3 -m pyizone set mode vent
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: System mode is: vent
$ python3 -m pyizone set fan low
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: System fan is: low

Using as a Python Module

>>> import pyizone
>>> pyizone.discover()
[{'port': 'xxxx', 'id': '000000XXX', 'ipaddr': 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'}]
>>> pyizone.get_system_settings("xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx")
{'Temp': '0.0', 'Setpoint': '22.0', 'NoOfConst': 1, 'UnitType': 'Unknown', 'CtrlZone': 13, 'ACError': '', 'EcoMax': '26.0', 'SysOn': 'on', 'Tag2': '', 'AirStreamDeviceUId': '000000XXX', 'Id': 0, 'Supply': '0.0', 'Warnings': 'filter', 'Tag1': 'iZone 310', 'SleepTimer': 0, 'UnitLocked': 'false', 'AirflowLock': 'off', 'EcoMin': '22.0', 'SysType': '310', 'NoOfZones': 7, 'SysFan': 'low', 'DeviceType': 'ASH', 'RAS': 'master', 'SysMode': 'vent', 'EcoLock': 'true'}

Getting Help


Each function has docstrings, so you can get help using python's help() function, for example:

>>> help(pyizone.discover)


Help on function discover in module pyizone.__pyizone__:

discover(discovery_timeout_seconds:float=5.0, socket_timeout_seconds:float=1.0, izone_cb_id=None) -> list
    Attempts discovery of iZone 1.x Controls Bridges (CB)

        discovery_timeout_seconds: (float) Number of seconds to wait for CBs to respond after sending discovery datagram
        socket_timeout_seconds: (float) Socket timeout in number of seconds
        izone_cb_id: (str) Look for a specific id only, and return as soon as it is found

        A list of dict objects containing the id (str), ipaddr (str) and port (str) of each CB discovered, eg:
        [{'ipaddr': '', 'id': '000002323', 'port': '12107'}]

Open an issue

Please feel free to open an issue on the project's GitHub, and I'll do my best to help you.

I also have a Discord channel, feel free to join and converse.