
Download and update Minecraft mods from CurseForge and possibly other places in the future.

cli, curseforge, minecraft, modrinth, mods
pip install minecraft-mod-manager==1.4.2



python Latest PyPI version Downloads Total alerts Language grade: Python

Install and update mods from CurseForge and Modrinth through a simple command.

The GUI Update (late 2022)

There was an idea of adding a GUI to python. Unfortunately, python development is not meant for fast GUI development. So testing changes often requires restarting the application, this is less than ideal especially when I'm used to changing the code and seeing updates directly.

It's one of the reasons the progress stopped on this because it was slow and frustrating.

Thus I started looking for alternatives and found Electron to hopefully be a good fit. This way I can leverage my existing web development skills for creating an GUI instead of learning another. I still want to support a CLI though, but I think this can be done even on servers. It's a main requirement. Of course the new App will be cross platform.

What this means is that I'll start "scratch". But I'd almost have to do that either way with the changes I wanted to do.


  • Install mods with minecraft-mod-manager install mod_name
  • Update all mods with minecraft-mod-manager update, mcman update or mmm update
  • Searches on CurseForge and Modrinth for updates on installed mods
  • Filter updates by
    • Stable (default), beta --beta, or alpha --alpha releases
    • Minecraft version -v 1.16.4
    • Fabric/Forge mod --mod-loader fabric

Installation/Upgrade & Requirements

  1. Requires at least python 3.8
  2. Install/Upgrade with $ pip install --user --upgrade minecraft-mod-manager


Note! All examples start with minecraft-mod-manager, mcman or mmm (shorthand commands) then comes the arguments.

Arguments Description
install jei Searches for jei on all sites and installs the latest version.
install sodium=modrinth Install Sodium specifically from modrinth.
install dynmap=curse:dynmapforge Install dynmap with slug dynmapforge on Curse.
install sodium=modrinth --mod-loader fabric Install fabric version of sodium. Generally not necessary to specify mod-loader
install carpet fabric-api sodium lithium Easily install many mods.
update Update all mods.
update --pretend Check what will be updated. Does not change anything.
update sodium lithium phosphor Update specific mods.
update -v "1.16.5" Updates to latest mod version which works with specified MC version.
update -v "1.16.1" If you upgraded the mods, to a higher version (e.g. snapshot), you can easily downgrade them again.
configure sodium=modrinth Change the download site for a mod.
configure sodium= Reset download sites (downloads from all sites again)
configure carpet=curse:fabric-carpet Change site slug for a mod.
configure carpet=curse If you don't define a slug, you will reset the slug for that mod.
configure sodium=modrinth carpet=curse Easily configure multiple mods at the same time.
configure carpet=modrinth,curse:fabric-carpet Configure different slugs for different sites.
list List all installed mods.

Full usage

positional arguments:
                        Install, update, configure, or list mods
                        The mods to update or configure.
                        If no mods are specified during an update, all mods will be updated.
                        You can specify download sites and slugs for each mod (if necessary)

  -d DIR, --dir DIR     Location of the mods folder. By default it's the current directory
                        Only update mods to this Minecraft version. Example: -v 1.16.4
  --beta                Allow beta releases of mods
  --alpha               Allow alpha and beta releases of mods
  --mod-loader {fabric,forge}
                        Only install mods that use this mod loader. You rarely need to be
                        this specific. The application figures out for itself which type
                        you'll likely want to install.

logging & help:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             Print application version
  --verbose             Print more messages
  --debug               Turn on debug messages
  --pretend             Only pretend to install/update/configure. Does not change anything

Planned features

  • Automatically install dependencies
  • GUI
  • Executable for Windows
