
Terminal debugging tools

pip install mir.termdbg==2.0.0



CircleCI Codecov PyPi Release

Terminal debugging tools.


mir.termdbg includes two commands.

$ python3.6 -m mir.termdbg

Simple terminal key press debugger.

termdbg echoes the bytes received directly from the terminal for debugging exactly what bytes or escape sequences a particular terminal is sending. The terminal is set to raw mode if possible.

termdbg's output is intended for human consumption; the output format is not guaranteed and should not be parsed.

To exit, send the byte value 3. This is the ASCII encoding for ^C (End Of Text), which is sent by pressing CTRL-C for most terminals. If you are unable to exit, you can send SIGINT from a separate terminal.

Example usage:

$ python3.6 -m mir.termdbg
 97, 0o141, 0x61, a                             # a pressed
  1, 0o001, 0x01, SOH, ␁, ^A, Start of Heading  # Ctrl-A pressed
 27, 0o033, 0x1B, ESC, ␛, ^[, Escape            # F1 pressed
 79, 0o117, 0x4F, O
 80, 0o120, 0x50, P
  3, 0o003, 0x03, ETX, ␃, ^C, End of Text       # Ctrl-C pressed
$ python3.6 -m mir.termdbg.ccr

Control code revealer.

Run a program with arguments and pretend to be a terminal, teeing output to a file.

This can be used to debug what control codes a troublesome program is emitting when it thinks it's talking to a terminal.

Example usage:

$ python3.6 -m mir.termdbg.ccr logfile bad_program arg1 arg2