
Exports your diagrams at build time for easier embedding into your documentation

pip install mkdocs-drawio-exporter-fork==0.9.1

Documentation ( Exporter for MkDocs

Exports your diagrams at build time for easier embedding into your documentation.

Quick start

First install the package:

$ pip install mkdocs-drawio-exporter

Then enable it:

    - drawio-exporter


For the default configuration, just add the plugin to the plugins key:

    - drawio-exporter

You can override the default configuration:

    - drawio-exporter:
        # Diagrams are cached to speed up site generation. The default path is
        # drawio-exporter, relative to the documentation directory.
        cache_dir: 'drawio-exporter'
        # Path to the executable:
        #   * drawio on Linux
        #   * on macOS
        #   * or on Windows
        # We'll look for it on your system's PATH, then default installation
        # paths. If we can't find it we'll warn you.
        drawio_executable: null
        # Additional CLI args
        drawio_args: []
        # Output format (see --help | grep format)
        format: svg
        # Embed format
        #   * The default is to embed via the <img> tag, only rewriting the
        #     value of the src attribute.
        #   * Consider <object type="image/svg+xml" data="{img_src}"></object>
        #     to enable interactive elements (like hyperlinks) in SVGs.
        #   * Use "embed_format: html" with "format: svg" if you want to 
        #     copy entire SVG contents into the HTML documents. It enable
        #     interactive elements (like hyperlinks) in SVGs too.
        embed_format: '{img_open}{img_src}{img_close}'
        # Glob pattern for matching source files
        sources: '*.drawio'


With the plugin configured, you can now proceed to embed images by simply embedding the *.drawio diagram file as you would with any image file:

![My alt text](my-diagram.drawio)

If you're working with multi-page documents, append the index of the page as an anchor in the URL:

![Page 1](my-diagram.drawio#0)

The plugin will export the diagram to the format specified in your configuration and will rewrite the <img> tag in the generated page to match. To speed up your documentation rebuilds, the generated output will be placed into cache_dir and then copied to the desired destination. The cached images will only be updated if the source diagram's modification date is newer than the cached export. Thus, bear in mind caching works per file - with large multi-page documents a change to one page will rebuild all pages, which will be slower than separate files per page.

GitHub Actions

See this guide.

Headless usage

In addition to the above, if you're running in a headless environment (e.g. in integration, or inside a Docker container), you may need to ensure a display server is running and that the necessary dependencies are installed.

On Debian and Ubuntu, the following should install the dependencies:

sudo apt install libasound2 xvfb

To run MkDocs with an automatically assigned X display, wrap the command as follows:

xvfb-run -a mkdocs build

Running without the sandbox

If you're seeing messages like the following it's likely that you're running MkDocs as root:

[22:0418/] Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported. See

If possible, consider running MkDocs as a non-privileged user. Depending on the circumstances (e.g. running within an unprivileged container) it may be appropriate to disable the Chrome sandbox by adding the following option to mkdocs.yml:

    - drawio-exporter:
            - --no-sandbox


To get completion working in your editor, set up a virtual environment in the root of this repository and install MkDocs:

$ pip3 install --user --upgrade setuptools twine wheel
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

To install the plugin onto a local MkDocs site in editable form:

$ pip install --editable /path/to/mkdocs-drawio-exporter

Note that you'll need to repeat this step if you make any changes to the entry_points listed in

Run the tests with the Python unittest module:

$ python -m unittest mkdocsdrawioexporter.tests

Upgrading dependencies

To upgrade the dependencies, install pip-upgrader:

. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r

Then proceed to update the dependencies:



Build the distributable package:

$ python3 sdist bdist_wheel

Push it to the PyPI test instance:

$ python3 -m twine upload --repository-url dist/*

Test it inside a virtual environment:

$ pip install --index-url --no-deps mkdocs-drawio-exporter

Let's go live:

$ python3 -m twine upload dist/*