
Implementation of the Torillic theme for mkdocs. Convert your markdown TTRPG notes into beautiful HTML!

pip install mkdocs-torillic==2.3.2



Magic is distilled laziness

This theme, named after the fantasy setting of Dungeons & Dragons, is designed with tabletop RPG players in mind. The theme allows beautiful HTML exports designed to look like a professionally made tabletop resource, whilst remaining easy to edit in code view and in small windows, thanks to CSS media queries.

Tips & Tricks

  • Using > blockquotes will create a green box like the ones used in 5e stat blocks
  • In full page view, content is arranged into two columns - however, # heading 1 and # heading 2 elements span both columns so can be used as separators. A blank top-level heading will still split the page.
  • The heading with a yellow line underneath (you know the one) is #### heading 4
  • Actions in 5e stat blocks are generally formatted like so:
***Name.*** *Attack Type:* +[modifier] to hit, reach [reach] ft., [n targets] target(s). *Hit:* [approx damage] ([n dice]d[die size] + [additional]) [damage type] damage.
  • For an example of a full stat sheet in Torillic, check out the markdown below the screenshots.
  • Ultimately, it's yours to play with, so feel free to completely ignore this advice and lay things out however works for your capaign!