
A tool to autogenerate pure shell CLI-like scripts easily.

pip install mkshell==0.1.0


MK SHELL - Make Shell Scripts (Easily) !

If you install this cli through pip

pip install -U mkshell

Just type the command name:


to get the following output:

❯❯❯ mkshell                                                      
 Usage: mkshell [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...                                                                   
 A tool to autogenerate pure shell CLI-like scripts easily.                                                   
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 Welcome !                                                                                                    
 This is MKShell --- short for make-shell.                                                                    
 This tools allows two things:                                                                                
 - Write pure shell CLIs with basic capabilities using either                                                 
 (1) YAML markup language to document flags, aliases, code                                                    
 (2) Declarative python code => Library                                                                       
 (3) Interactive shell sessions => CLI                                                                        
 if you have any questions, please leave a comment at