Generic model API, Model Zoo in Tensorflow, Keras, Pytorch, Hyperparamter search

Machine, Learning, Interface, library, automl, computer-vision, deep-learning, gluon, gluonnlp, hyperparameter-optimization, keras, machine-learning, mlflow, mlmodels, model-zoo, nlp, nlu, optuna, python, pytorch, sklearn, tensorflow, textcnn, torchhub
pip install mlmodels==0.38.1


mlmodels : Model ZOO for Pytorch, Tensorflow, Keras, Gluon models...


  • Model ZOO with Lightweight Functional interface to wrap access to Recent and State o Art Deep Learning, ML models and Hyper-Parameter Search, cross platforms such as Tensorflow, Pytorch, Gluon, Keras,...

  • Logic follows sklearn API: fit, predict, transform, metrics, save, load

  • Goal is to transform Jupyter code into Semi-Prod code with minimal code change ...

  • Model list is available here :

  • Why Functional interface instead of OOP ? Just Functional reduces the amount of code needed, focus more on the computing part (vs design part), a bit easier maintenability for medium size project, good for scientific computing process.

#### Docs here:  (incomplete docs)


① Installation

Install as editable package (ONLY dev branch)

cd yourfolder
git clone mlmodels
cd mlmodels
git checkout dev     
pip install -e .  --no-deps  




② How to add a new model

Source code structure as below

  • docs: documentation
  • mlmodels: interface wrapper for pytorch, keras, gluon, tf, transformer NLP for train, hyper-params searchi.
    • model_xxx: folders for each platform with same interface defined in template folder
    • dataset: store dataset files for test runs.
    • template: template interface wrapper which define common interfaces for whole platforms
    • ztest: testing output for each sample testing in model_xxx
  • ztest: testing output for each sample testing in model_xxx

How to define a custom model

1. Create a file mlmodels\model_XXXX\ , XXX: tch: pytorch, tf:tensorflow, keras:keras, ....

  • Declare below classes/functions in the created file:

    Class Model()                                                 :   Model definition
          __init__(model_pars)                                    :   
    def fit(model, data_pars, model_pars, compute_pars, )         : Train the model
    def predict(model, sess, data_pars, compute_pars, out_pars )  : Predict the results
    def metric(ytrue, ypred, yproba, data_pars, compute_pars, out_pars )         : Measure the results
    def get_params()                                              : returnparameters of the model
    def get_dataset(data_pars)                                    : load dataset
    def test()                                                    : example running the model     
    def test2()                                                   : example running the model in global settings  
    def save(model, path)                                         : save the model
    def load(path)                                                : load the trained model
  • Infos

    model :         Model(model_pars), instance of Model() object
    sess  :         Session for TF model.
    model_pars :    dict containing info on model definition.
    data_pars :     dict containing info on input data.
    compute_pars :  dict containing info on model compute.
    out_pars :      dict containing info on output folder.

2. Write your code and create test() to test your code. **

  • Declare model definition in Class Model()
    self.model = DeepFM(linear_cols, dnn_cols, task=compute_pars['task']) # mlmodels/model_kera/
    # Model Parameters such as `linear_cols, dnn_cols` is obtained from function `get_params` which return `model_pars, data_pars, compute_pars, out_pars`
  • Implement pre-process data in function get_dataset which return data for both training and testing dataset Depend on type of dataset, we could separate function with datatype as below example
    if data_type == "criteo":
        df, linear_cols, dnn_cols, train, test, target = _preprocess_criteo(df, **kw)

    elif data_type == "movie_len":
        df, linear_cols, dnn_cols, train, test, target = _preprocess_movielens(df, **kw)
  • Call fit/predict with initialized model and dataset
    # get dataset using function get_dataset
    data, linear_cols, dnn_cols, train, test, target = get_dataset(**data_pars)
    # fit data, train[target].values,
                        batch_size=m['batch_size'], epochs=m['epochs'], verbose=2,
                        validation_split=m['validation_split'], )
    # predict data
    pred_ans = model.model.predict(test_model_input, batch_size= compute_pars['batch_size'])
  • Calculate metric with predict output
    # input of metrics is predicted output and ground truth data
    def metrics(ypred, ytrue, data_pars, compute_pars=None, out_pars=None, **kwargs):

3. Create JSON config file inside /model_XXX/mymodel.json **

  • Separate configure for staging development environment such as testing and production phase then for each staging, declare some specific parameters for model, dataset and also output
  • Example
        "test": {
            "model_pars": {
                "learning_rate": 0.001,
                "num_layers": 1,
                "size": 6,
                "size_layer": 128,
                "output_size": 6,
                "timestep": 4,
                "epoch": 2
            "data_pars": {
                "data_path": "dataset/GOOG-year.csv",
                "data_type": "pandas",
                "size": [0, 0, 6],
                "output_size": [0, 6]
            "compute_pars": {
                "distributed": "mpi",
                "epoch": 10
            "out_pars": {
                "out_path": "dataset/",
                "data_type": "pandas",
                "size": [0, 0, 6],
                "output_size": [0, 6]
        "prod": {
            "model_pars": {},
            "data_pars": {}


③ CLI tools: package provide below tools

  • ml_models
  • ml_optim

How to use tools

  • Lightweight Functional interface to execute models ml_models : mlmodels/
ml_models --do  
    model_list  :  list all models in the repo                            
    testall     :  test all modules inside model_tf
    test        :  test a certain module inside model_tf
    fit         :  wrap fit generic m    ethod
    predict     :  predict  using a pre-trained model and some data
    generate_config  :  generate config file from code source
  ## --do fit  
  --model_uri     model_tf.1_lstm
  --save_folder   myfolder/
  --config_file   myfile.json
  --config_mode   "test"

  ## --do predict  
  --load_folder   mymodel_folder/

  • Lightweight Functional interface to wrap Hyper-parameter Optimization ml_optim : mlmodels/
ml_optim --do
    test      :  Test the hyperparameter optimization for a specific model
    test_all  :  TODO, Test all
    search    :  search for the best hyperparameters of a specific model
  • Lightweight Functional interface to run test samples ml_test

Command line tool sample

generate config file

ml_models  --do generate_config  --model_uri  --save_folder "c:\myconfig\"

TensorFlow LSTM model

ml_models  --model_uri model_tf/  --do test

PyTorch models

ml_models  --model_uri model_tch/  --do test

Custom Models

ml_models --do test  --model_uri "D:\_devs\Python01\gitdev\mlmodels\mlmodels\model_tf\"

Distributed Pytorch on CPU (using Horovod and MPI on Linux, 4 processes) in model_tch/

mlmodels/   4    model_tch.mlp    mymodel.json

Model param search test

ml_optim --do test

For normal optimization search method

ml_optim --do search --ntrials 1  --config_file optim_config.json --optim_method normal
ml_optim --do search --ntrials 1  --config_file optim_config.json --optim_method prune  ###### for pruning method

HyperParam standalone run

ml_optim --modelname  --do test
ml_optim --modelname  --do search


④ Interface

   fit(model, module, session, data_pars, out_pars   )
   metrics(model, module, session, data_pars, out_pars)
   predict(model, module, session, data_pars, out_pars)
   save(model, path)

   optim(modelname="",  model_pars= {}, data_pars = {}, compute_pars={"method": "normal/prune"}
       , save_folder="/mymodel/", log_folder="", ntrials=2) 

   optim_optuna(modelname="", model_pars= {}, data_pars = {}, compute_pars={"method" : "normal/prune"},
                save_folder="/mymodel/", log_folder="", ntrials=2) 

Generic parameters

   Define in models_config.json
   model_params      :  Relative to model definition 
   compute_pars      :  Relative to  the compute process
   data_pars         :  Relative to the input data
   out_pars          :  Relative to outout data

Sometimes, data_pars is required to setup the model (ie CNN with image size...)


⑤ Code sample

from mlmodels.models import module_load, data_loader, create_model, fit, predict, stats
from mlmodels.models import load #Load model weights

#### Training
model_pars   =  {  "num_layers": 1,
                  "size": ncol_input, "size_layer": 128, "output_size": ncol_output, "timestep": 4,
data_pars    =  {}
compute_pars =  { "learning_rate": 0.001, }

module        =  module_load( model_uri="" )  #Load file definition
model         =  model_create(module, model_pars)    # Create Model instance
model, sess   =  fit(model, module, data_pars)       # fit the model
metrics_val   =  metrics( model, sess, ["loss"])     # get stats "myfolder/", model, module, sess,)


model = load(folder)    #Create Model instance
ypred = module.predict(model, module, data_pars, compute_pars)     # predict pipeline


⑥ Naming convention

Function naming

pd_   :  input is pandas dataframe
np_   :  input is numpy
sk_   :  inout is related to sklearn (ie sklearn model), input is numpy array

_col_  :  name for colums
_colcat_  :  name for category columns
_colnum_  :  name for numerical columns (folat)
_coltext_  : name for text data
_colid_  : for unique ID columns\

_stat_ : show statistics
_df_  : dataframe
_num_ : statistics

col_ :  function name for column list related.

Argument Variables naming

df     :  variable name for dataframe
colname  : for list of columns
colcat : For category column
colnum :  For numerical columns
coldate : for date columns
coltext : for raw text columns


⑦ Conda install

conda create -n py36 python=3.6.5  -y
source activate py36
pip install  ipykernel spyder-kernels=0.* -y