
A full Python wrapper of Mojang's API and Authentication API.

mojang, minecraft, mc, api, authentication, auth
pip install mojang-api-3==3.0.4



Python Versions Implementation License

A full Python wrapper of Mojang's API and Authentication API.



$ pip install mojang-api-3


Using this API will often return dicts:
  1. If response is empty, dict will contain response object.
    Response['response'] contains Response object (Get status code via Response['response'].status_code)
  2. If response contains data, dict will contain response object and data
    Response['response'] contains Response object (Get status code via Response['response'].status_code) Response['data'] contains response data

Checking status of Mojang servers:

$ from mojang_api import get_status

``$ response = get_status() ``

Response will be dict containing a Requests Response object and Response Data.

Response['response'] contains Response object (Get status code via Response['response'].status_code)

Response['data'] contains List of dicts with key of the servername and value of it's status

Getting UUID from player name:

$ from mojang_api import Player

$ player = Player(username=myUsername)

$ player.username

Authenticating player:

$ from mojang_api import Player

$ player = Player(username=myUsername)

$ player.authenticate(email_address_or_legacy_username, password)

Player authenticate will populate it's Access and Client Tokens, Username and UUID of the player.

Check if player is authenticated with:

$ player.is_authenticated

Creating Player with access and client tokens:

$ from mojang_api import Player

$ player=Player(username=Last_saved_username)

$ player.tokens = (access_token, client_token)

Once player.tokens is set, it will validate and refresh tokens and save the current Username, UUID, and refreshed Access and Client Tokens

Signing out Player:

$ from mojang_api import Player

$ player = Player(username=myUsername)

$ player.authenticate(email_address_or_legacy_username, password)

$ player.signout()

player.signout() will invalidate the tokens that are saved, which has the same effect as logging out.