Tiny mongodb orm document oriented

database, model, mongodb, orm, queryset
pip install mongomodel==0.2.2




This project is a tiny ORM in python3 for mongodb. Each database entry is a Document and each document has Fields

Getting started

git clone git@github.com:Chr0nos/mongomodel.git
virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

then the in the code

import mongomodel

mongomodel.database.connect(host='something', db='test')
# now you can use the orm.



To create a new document model you have to make a new class from Document

import mongomodel

class User(mongomodel.Document):
	collection = 'user'
	name = mongomodel.StringField(maxlen=255)
	email = mongomodel.EmailField(maxlen=255)
	level = mongomodel.IntegerField()

then you can instanciate a new user in two ways:

user = User()
user.name = 'john doe'
user.level = 2
user.email = 'something@test.com'

or with the constructor:

user = User(name='john doe', email='something@test.com', level=2)

in case of an invalid model, example:

user.name = 123

an DocumentInvalidError will be raised.


To update a document you just have to perform a document.save(), it will update the document if it's already present in database.


Use document.delete()

Dynamic model creation

In some circumstancies you don't know the excat shape of a model at parsetime, so it's possible to edit a model, the new field(s) has to be an instance of Field

user.specific_information = Field(value='whatever')

Remove fields

you can delete the class attribute with

del user.name

Transform to dict


Get all fields name for a document


returns a list of str

Create a document from an other

cpy = user.copy()
cpy.kind = StringField(value='artist', maxlen='20')

the copied document wil have it's own Fields

Load a document from it's ID

from bson import ObjectId

user = User.from_id(ObjectId('012345678'))

Reset all fields to default


Reload from database


Default fields

If you won't filter what kind of data can be set into a field, just use the main class Field wich is allways considered as valid.

it's possible to have default values if the field stay at a None state

import mongomodel
from datetime import datetime

class Book(mongomodel.Document):
	collection = 'book'
	name = mongomodel.Field(default=lambda: '')
	creation_date = mongomodel.Field(default=lambda: datetime.now().isoformat())

I use function to prevent a useless call in case of no value provided.

Custom field

This is an example of a last updated field

from datetime import datetime

class LastUpdateField(mongomodel.Field):
	def get(self):
		return datetime.now().isoformat()

the get method will be called each time you will call the attribute in the document.

Custom field validation

class CustomField(mongomodel.Field):
	def check(self):
		# you can perform validations here.
		# self.value = the current value
		# self.get() = the value OR it's default if available

Extra fields from database

All fields that are not defined into the model/document will be available in readonly.

Create many documents at once

books: List[Book] = [

At this point all inserted (valids) book will have an _id property, In case of invalid documents, no errors will be raised but the document will be ignored.


All Document has a object attribute (created by a metaclass factory), wich is a QuerySet instance pointing on the current model

with the User example

from examples.user import User, mongomodel

# setup the database
mongomodel.database.connect(host='', db='test')

# get all users, the .all() will iterate over ALL results and put them in a list

# to iterate in more efficient way just iter over the `QuerySet` object
for user in User.objects:

# search for all admin user with age higher than 30 years old
# the .filter expression return a `QuerySet` object, so you can chain them
User.objects.filter(is_admin=True, age__gt=30)
# Both expressions does the same here.

# To see what a query will look like you can access to the .query parameter of
# the queryset

# will give us:
{'is_admin': {'$exists': True}}


you can also use the .sort method in QuerySet, the sort mehtod take a list or a tupple of str like

qs = User.objects.sort(('-username', 'age'))