
Dataloader that serves MRI images from a mongodb

pip install mongoslabs==0.0.2



Dataloader that serves MRI images from a mongodb.

The main idea is to keep MRI images and corresponding training labels for segmentation tasks in a mongo database. However, each 2563 3D MRI tensor even in 8 bit precision is 16Mb. mongo's records cannot be larger than this limit and we need to also store the labels of the same dimensions. mongoslabs fetches and aggregates each 2563 tensor stored across 8 records, together with corresponding labels either for gray and white matter, 104 regions atlas, or a 50 region atlas. (The scripts to populate such collection are upcoming.)

An example of maintaining a high utilization on 4 GPUs


pip install mongoslabs


A detailed example of how to create a dataloader using provided dataset class and the corresponding tools is in scripts/

Do not forget to move the batches to the GPU once obtained.