
A CLI for converting a graded Moodle quiz HTML to a quiz wikitext

bme, html, moodle, quiz, university, wikimedia
pip install moodle-to-vikwikiquiz==1.1.0



Lines of code Build status Code quality Type hinting used Code style: Black PRs welcome

📖 About

A CLI for converting a graded Moodle quiz saved as an HTML file to a vik.viki quiz wikitext.

📋 Features

  • Imports multiple HTML files at once
  • Can create a new article on with the generated quiz wikitext and summary pre-filled in the editor
  • Can open an existing article on with the summary pre-filled in the editor
  • Copies the generated wikitext to the clipboard
  • Supports single and multiple choice questions
  • Deduplicates questions with the same text
  • Asks for correct answers if it can't be determined from a graded question
  • Adds the only remaining correct answer automatically if it can be determined from the grade
  • Formats LaTeX equations as wikitext
  • Creates placeholders for illustrations

📥 Installation

  1. Install Homebrew
  2. Run the following command in the terminal:
brew install pipx && pipx ensurepath && pipx install moodle-to-vikwikiquiz

🧑‍💻 Usage

moodle-to-vikwikiquiz [--verbose|-v] [--new|-n] [[--grading|-g] grading_method] source_directory parent_article title


  • new: Create a new quiz on by automatically opening an edit page for the new article.
  • grading_method: + or -. Seeítség:Kvíz#Pontozás for further info.
  • source_directory: The absolute path of the directory where the Moodle quiz HTML files are located. These HTML files should contain the Review page of the quizzes.
  • parent_article: The article name of the course on
  • title: How the quiz should be named on This usually is in the following form: [course name] kvíz – [exam name]. (The hyphen and the part after it can be omitted.) This might be an existing article name if the --new argument is not provided.


  • Convert all Elektronika alapjai Moodle quizzes downloaded to ~/Downloads/downloaded_ELA_quizzes:
    moodle-to-vikwikiquiz --new --grading + ~/Downloads/downloaded_ELA_quizzes "Elektronika alapjai" "Elektronika alapjai kvíz"

Always check the output before uploading it to Upload all images and add their filenames to the quiz manually on

⏫ Updating

Run the following command in the terminal:

pipx upgrade-all

If you want this to run automatically, create a cron job:

  1. Open the crontab file:
crontab -e
  1. Add the following line to the end of the file:
@daily pipx upgrade-all

You may replace @daily with @weekly or @monthly.

📜 License

This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See the license file (or the GPL-3.0 license tab on GitHub) for its full text.