
Things which I thought should be set in builtins.

pip install morebuiltins==0.0.4


I need much more built-ins

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  1. Collect commonly used code snippets to make up for the lack of built-in functions
  2. Provide some common ideas for beginners
  3. Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish



pip install -U morebuiltins

Or use pyz(pyz file may be downloaded from releases)

pip install zipapps

python -m zipapps -c -o morebuiltins.pyz morebuiltins

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, 'morebuiltins.pyz')
import morebuiltins
# morebuiltins.pyz\morebuiltins\


Module Docs -

1. morebuiltins.utils

1.1 ttime - Converts a timestamp to a human-readable timestring formatted as %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.

1.2 ptime - Converts a timestring formatted as %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S back into a timestamp.

1.3 slice_into_pieces - Divides a sequence into “n” segments, returning a generator that yields “n” pieces.

1.4 slice_by_size - Slices a sequence into chunks of a specified “size”, returning a generator that produces tuples of chunks.

1.5 unique - Removes duplicate elements from a sequence while preserving the original order efficiently.

1.6 retry - A decorator that retries the decorated function up to “tries” times if the specified exceptions are raised.

1.7 guess_interval - Analyzes a sequence of numbers and returns the median, calculating intervals only if they are greater than or equal to the specified accuracy.

1.8 get_hash - Generates an MD5 hash string from the given input string.

1.9 find_jsons - A generator that locates valid JSON strings, supporting only dictionaries and lists.

1.10 code_inline - Minifies Python source code into a single line.

1.11 read_size - Converts byte counts into a human-readable string. Setting shorten=True and precision=0.99 will trim unnecessary decimal places from the tail of floating-point numbers.

1.12 read_time - Converts seconds into a more readable time duration string.

1.13 Validator - Validator for dataclasses.

1.14 stagger_sort - Ensures that identical groups are ordered and evenly distributed, mitigating data skew. The function does not alter the original list and returns a generator.

1.15 default_dict - Initializes a dictionary with default zero values based on a subclass of TypedDict.

1.16 always_return_value - Got a function always return the given value.

1.17 format_error - Extracts frame information from an exception, with an option to filter out “site-packages” details by default.

1.18 Trie - Transforms a standard dictionary into a trie structure that supports prefix matching.

1.19 GuessExt - Determines whether the input bytes of a file prefix indicate a compressed file format.

2. morebuiltins.functools

2.1 lru_cache_ttl - A Least Recently Used (LRU) cache with a Time To Live (TTL) feature.

2.2 threads - Quickly convert synchronous functions to be concurrency-able. (similar to madisonmay/Tomorrow)

2.3 bg_task - Avoid asyncio free-flying tasks, better to use the new asyncio.TaskGroup to avoid this in 3.11+. python/cpython#91887

2.4 NamedLock - Reusable named locks, support for timeouts, support for multiple concurrent locks.

2.5 FuncSchema - Parse the parameters and types required by a function into a dictionary, and convert an incoming parameter into the appropriate type.

3. morebuiltins.ipc

3.1 IPCEncoder - An abstract base class for all encoders; implementing the necessary communication protocol requires only the definition of two abstract methods. Be mindful that varying header lengths will impact the maximum packaging size.

3.4 SocketLogHandlerEncoder - For a practical demonstration, refer to the test code: morebuiltins/

3.5 SocketServer - To see an example in action, view the test code: morebuiltins/

4. morebuiltins.request

4.1 req - A basic mock for requests, performant albeit simplistic.

4.2 DomainParser - Extracts the Second-level domain (SLD) from a provided hostname or URL.

4.3 unparse_qsl - Provides the inverse operation of parse_qsl, converting query string lists back into a URL-encoded string.

4.4 update_url - Organizes the query arguments within a URL to standardize its format.

5. morebuiltins.download_python

5.1 download_python - Usage: python -m morebuiltins.download_python

On the way

  • add zipapps as a submodule( - v0.0.3
  • asyncio free-flying tasks(bg_task) - v0.0.3
  • named lock with timeout - v0.0.4
  • functools.FuncSchema (parse function to get the query-dict) - v0.0.4
  • morebuiltins.download_python standalone python downloader - v0.0.4
  • pip.pip_install
  • progress_bar
  • http.server (upload)
  • time reach syntax
  • quick tkinter
  • http request/response parser
  • TimeSizeRotatingHandler of logging.handlers