
A minimal Morpion game to play in the console or with a graphical user interface

pip install morpion-game==0.6.3




You can install the package by running the following command : python3 -m pip install --upgrade morpion-game


The first time you play, you will be prompted for your favorite language. Currently, the available languages are :

  • English
  • French

Once done, you can start playing !

install the GUI

The CUI application can be installed directly from the package. You just have to run it with the --gui argument. This will launch the GUI application if installed (and found on your system), else it will run the installer program.


The CLI and teh GUI applications' datas are shared. These datas are only stored on your local machine and will never be publish or send because of the game. You can access datas in your personal directory C:\Users\username\PetchouDev\datas.json. but do not edit them... I should encrypt them in a next version... You can delete datas from any of the two applications from the settings menu.