
A fast movie downloader using Aria2

pip install movie-downloader==0.2.6


Movie Downloader

A fast movie downloader using Aria2

Supported sites

  • Tencent Video
  • m1905

Third-party Dependencies


Step 1: install core parsing modules

  • via PyPI

    $ pip install movie-downloader

  • from within source directory locally

    $ pip install .

Step 2: get and install third-party dependency programs

  • Automatically

    $ mdl_3rd_parties [--proxy {http|socks5}://[user:password@]host:port]

  • Manually

    Download, unzip and extract aria2, ffmpeg, mkvmerge, node and ckey into the directory third_parties/aria2/, third_parties/ffmpeg/, third_parties/mkvtoolnix/, third_parties/node/ and third_parties/ckey/ according to the target platform, respectively.


mdl [-h] [-D DIR] [-d {uhd,fhd,shd,hd,sd}] [-p PROXY] [--QQVideo-no-logo {True,False}]
    [-A ARIA2C] [-F FFMPEG] [-M MKVMERGE] [-N NODE] [-L {debug,info,warning,error,critical}]
    url [url ...] [--playlist-items PLAYLIST_ITEMS]


-D DIR: specify DIR to save downloaded videos.

-d {uhd,fhd,shd,hd,sd}: specify the definition of the video to download. uhd,fhd,shd,hd,sd correspond to 4K, 1080P, 720P, 480P, 270P respectively.

-p PROXY: specify the proxy server PROXY (in the form of http://[user:password@]host:port) used to get web pages or download videos (if configured in conf/dlops.conf).

--QQVideo-no-logo {True,False}: indicate whether we're trying to download no-watermarked QQVideos or not.

-A ARIA2C: specify the absolute path to aria2c executable, which takes precedence over the configuration in conf/misc.conf and the hard-coded fallback path third_parties/aria2/aria2c[.exe].

-F FFMPEG: specify the absolute path to ffmpeg executable, which takes precedence over the configuration in conf/misc.conf and the hard-coded fallback path third_parties/ffmpeg/ffmpeg[.exe].

-M MKVMERGE: specify the absolute path to mkvmerge executable, which takes precedence over the configuration in conf/misc.conf and the hard-coded fallback path third_parties/mkvtoolnix/mkvmerge[.exe].

-N NODE: specify the absolute path to node executable, which takes precedence over the configuration in conf/misc.conf and the hard-coded fallback path third_parties/node/node[.exe].

-L {debug,info,warning,error,critical}: specify logging level.

url [url ...]: one or more web page URLs of video episodes, cover and playlist.

--playlist-items PLAYLIST_ITEMS: desired episode indices in a playlist separated by commas, while the playlists are separated by semicolons, e.g. --playlist-items 1,2,5-10, --playlist-items 1,2,5-10;3-, and --playlist-items 1,2,5-10;;-20.
