(Spelled like multiplug) The purpose of this module is to provide a dead simple plugin handler module. I wanted something:
- Capable of handling multiple plugins (and that's pretty obvious)
- Capable of handling multiple implementation of the same plugin
- Capable of handling multiple
-s... by itself - Easy to initialize in your pluggable application/framework.
I wanted somthing like:
content_types = multipla.power_up('scriba.content_types')
def to_json(object):
content_type = content_types.get('application/json')
return content_type.format(ojbect)
def to_user_supplied_type(object, content_type):
return content_types.get(content_type).format(object)
from loremipsum import generator
import multipla
samples = multipla.power_up('loremipsum.samples')
vaporware = generator.Generator(samples.get('vaporware'))
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