
multisig HMAC

pip install multisig-hmac-AmalieDue==0.0.3



Multisig scheme for HMAC authentication. Python implementation of multisig-hmac.


Key management can happen in either of two modes, either by storing every of the component keys, or by storing a single master seed and using that to derive keys ad hoc.

The following two examples return true when they are executed, for example inside a virtual environment.

Using stored keys:

import multisig_hmac
from multisig_hmac.multisig_hmac import MultisigHMAC
import base64

m = MultisigHMAC()

# generate keys which need to be stored securely and need to be shared securely with each party
k0 = m.keygen(0)
k1 = m.keygen(1)
k2 = m.keygen(2)

# sign by each client
data = b'hello world'

s0 = m.sign(k0, data)
s2 = m.sign(k2, data)

# combine the used signatures
out = m.combine([s0, s2])

sent = (out[0], base64.urlsafe_b64encode(out[1]))

# --- network ---

received = (sent[0], base64.urlsafe_b64decode(sent[1]))

# verify on the server
threshold = 2
keys = [k0, k1, k2]
signature = received

print(m.verify(keys, signature, data, threshold))

Using a derived master key:

import multisig_hmac
from multisig_hmac.multisig_hmac import MultisigHMAC
import base64

m = MultisigHMAC()

# generate a master seed which needs to be stored securely
# this seed must NOT be shared with any other party
seed = m.seedgen()

k0 = m.deriveKey(seed, 0)
k1 = m.deriveKey(seed, 1)
k2 = m.deriveKey(seed, 2)

# sign by each client
data = b'hello world'

s0 = m.sign(k0, data)
s2 = m.sign(k2, data)

# combine the used signatures
out = m.combine([s0, s2])

sent = (out[0], base64.urlsafe_b64encode(out[1]))

# --- network ---

received = (sent[0], base64.urlsafe_b64decode(sent[1]))

# verify on the server, but now keys are dynamically derived
threshold = 2
signature = received

print(m.verifyDerived(seed, signature, data, threshold))



  • MultisigHMAC.BYTES signature length in bytes (default)
  • MultisigHMAC.KEYBYTES key length in bytes (default)
  • MultisigHMAC.PRIMITIVE is sha256 (default)

So far, the implementation supports the following specific algorithms:

  • MultisigHMAC.SHA256_BYTES signature length in bytes
  • MultisigHMAC.SHA256_KEYBYTES key length in bytes
  • MultisigHMAC.SHA256_PRIMITIVE is sha256
  • MultisigHMAC.SHA512_BYTES signature length in bytes
  • MultisigHMAC.SHA512_KEYBYTES key length in bytes
  • MultisigHMAC.SHA512_PRIMITIVE is sha512
  • MultisigHMAC.SHA384_BYTES signature length in bytes
  • MultisigHMAC.SHA384_KEYBYTES key length in bytes
  • MultisigHMAC.SHA384_PRIMITIVE is sha384

n = MultisigHMAC.popcount(bitfield)

Returns the number of keys (i.e. high bits) in bitfield. bitfield must be a 32-bit unsigned integer. Example:

assert MultisigHMAC.popcount(5) == 2

xs = MultisigHMAC.keyIndexes(bitfield)

Returns the indexes of the keys (i.e. high bits) in bitfield as a list. bitfield must be a 32-bit unsigned integer. Example:

assert MultisigHMAC.keyIndexes(5) == [0,2]

m = MultisigHMAC([alg = MultisigHMAC.PRIMITIVE])

Creates a new instance of MultisigHMAC which can be used as a global singleton. Just sets the algorithm to be used for subsequent methods and associated constants. Example:

m = MultisigHMAC()
assert (m.popcount(5) == 2 and m.keyIndexes(5) == [0,2])

key = MultisigHMAC.keygen(index)

Generates a new cryptographically random key. The function returns { index: 32-bit unsigned integer, key: bytes of length KEYBYTES }.

Note: index should be counted from 0.

masterSeed = MultisigHMAC.seedgen()

Generates a new cryptographically random master seed.

key = MultisigHMAC.deriveKey(masterSeed, index)

Derives a new subkey from a master seed. index must be a 32-bit unsigned integer, but in practice you want to keep a much lower number, as the bitfield used with the signature has as many bits as the largest index. The function returns { index: 32-bit unsigned integer, key: bytes of length KEYBYTES }.

Note: index should be counted from 0.

Keys are derived using a KDF based on HMAC:

b[0...BYTES] = HMAC(Key = masterSeed, data = 'derive' || U32LE(index) || 0x00)
b[BYTES...] = HMAC(Key = masterSeed, b[0...BYTES] || 0x01)

signature = MultisigHMAC.sign(key, data)

Independently signs data with key. The function returns { bitfield: 32-bit unsigned integer, signature: bytes of length BYTES }. This object can be passed to the combine() function explained below.

signature = MultisigHMAC.combine([signatures...])

Combines a list of signatures which have all been signed independently. Only include each signature once, otherwise they will cancel out. Signatures can be combined in any order. The function returns { bitfield: 32-bit unsigned integer, signature: bytearray of length BYTES }.

valid = MultisigHMAC.verify(keys, signature, data, threshold)

Verifies a signature of data against a list of keys, over a given threshold. keys must be an array of keys. The function returns True or False.

valid = MultisigHMAC.verifyDerived(masterSeed, signature, data, threshold)

Verifies a signature of data against dynamically derived keys from masterSeed, over a given threshold. masterSeed must be bytes of length KEYBYTES. The function returns True or False.


$ pip install multisig-hmac

Running tests

$ pip install -U pytest
$ py.test
