
A Python3 replacement for the deprecated cgi module

cgi, replacement
pip install mycgi==0.0.4.post0


mycgi - A Python3 Replacement for the Deprecated cgi Module

Other than using different class names (mycgi.Form instead of cgi.FieldStorage and mycgi.Field instead of cgi.FieldStorage) this module should be quite backward-compatible with the mycgi module. Additionally, JSON-encoded PUT and POST requests are supported.

Note that this module depends on the python-multipart package for handling POST and PUT requests that are not JSON-encoded.

Some Usage Examples

# Instead of:
#from cgi import FieldStorage
# Use:
from mycgi import Form

form = Form()

# name is a text input field:
name = form.getvalue('name') # this will be a list if the form has multiple 'name' fields
# or: name = form.getfirst('name')
# or: names = form.getlist('name')

# spreadsheet is a file input field:
fileitem = form['spreadsheet']
# The name of the uploaded file:
filename = fileitem.filename
# Get the file contents as bytes 3 different ways:
contents =
contents = fileitem.value
contents = form.getvalue('spreadsheet')


The initializer for the mycgi.Form class is:

    def __init__(self, environ=os.environ, fp=None, keep_blank_values=False):
        Initialize a Form instance.

        Arguments (all are optional):

        environ: environment dictionary
                 default: os.environ

        fp: stream containing encoded POST and PUT data
            default: None (in which case sys.stdin.buffer will be used for
                     POST and PUT requests)

        keep_blank_values: flag indicating whether blank values in
                           percent-encoded forms should be treated as blank
                           default: False

A mycgi.Form instance is a specialized dictionary whose keys are the field names and whose values are either a mycgi.Field instance or a list of these instances. A mycgi.Field instance has the following attributes:

  1. name: The form field name.
  2. filename: If this field is for a file, then the file's filename, else None.
  3. value: The form field value (or a file's contents as bytes).
  4. file: If this field is for a file, then a stream that can be read to get the uploaded file's value, else None.

The mycgi.Form class supports the getvalue, getlist and getfirst methods that behave identically to the like-named methods of the deprecated cgi.FieldStorage class and which make it unnecessary to access the mycgi.Field instances, although doing so can be useful for processing file uploads.

JSON-encoded PUT and POST requests

Also supported are POST and PUT requests where the data is a JSON-encoded dictionary.

WSGI Application Usage

To use mycgi.Form with a WSGI application:

from mycgi import Form

def wsgiApp(environ, start_response):
    form = Form(environ=environ, fp=environ['wsgi.input'])

Tests To Demonstrate mycgi Usage

from mycgi import Form
import io

# Test a GET request:
form = Form(environ={'QUERY_STRING': 'x=1&x=2&y=3'})
assert repr(form) == "{'x': [Field('x', None, '1'), Field('x', None, '2')], 'y': Field('y', None, '3')}"

assert form.getvalue('x') == ['1', '2']
assert form.getlist('x') == ['1', '2']
assert form.getfirst('x') == '1'
assert [field.filename for field in form['x']] == [None, None]
assert [field.value for field in form['x']] == ['1', '2']

assert form.getvalue('y') == '3'
assert form.getlist('y') == ['3']
assert form.getfirst('y') == '3'
assert form['y'].name == 'y'
assert form['y'].filename is None
assert form['y'].value == '3'

# Test a multipart POST request:
# We have here a text input field named 'act' whose value is 'abc' and two
# file input fields named 'the_file' where a file has been selected for only the
# first occurence:
fp = io.BytesIO(b'------WebKitFormBoundarytQ0DkMXsDqxwxBlp\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="act"\r\n\r\nTest\r\n------WebKitFormBoundarytQ0DkMXsDqxwxBlp\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="the_file"; filename="test.txt"\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\nabc\r\n------WebKitFormBoundarytQ0DkMXsDqxwxBlp\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="the_file"; filename=""\r\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n\r\n------WebKitFormBoundarytQ0DkMXsDqxwxBlp--\r\n')
environ = {
    'CONTENT_LENGTH': '431',
    'CONTENT_TYPE': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundarytQ0DkMXsDqxwxBlp',
form = Form(environ=environ, fp=fp)

assert form['act'].name == 'act'
assert form['act'].filename is None
assert form['act'].value == 'Test'

assert form['the_file'][0].name == 'the_file'
assert form['the_file'][0].filename == 'test.txt'
assert form['the_file'][0].value == b'abc'

assert form['the_file'][1].name == 'the_file'
assert form['the_file'][1].filename == ''
assert form['the_file'][1].value == b''

assert form.getvalue('the_file') == [b'abc', b'']

# Test a JSON-encoded POST request:
fp = io.BytesIO(b'{"x": [1,2], "y": 3}')
environ = {
    'CONTENT_LENGTH': '20',
    'CONTENT_TYPE': 'application/json',
form = Form(environ=environ, fp=fp)

assert form.getvalue('x') == [1, 2]
assert form.getlist('x') == [1, 2]
assert form.getfirst('x') == 1
assert [field.filename for field in form['x']] == [None, None]
assert [field.value for field in form['x']] == [1, 2]
assert [field.file for field in form['x']] == [None, None]

assert form.getvalue('y') == 3
assert form.getlist('y') == [3]
assert form.getfirst('y') == 3
assert form['y'].name == 'y'
assert form['y'].filename is None
assert form['y'].value == 3
assert form['y'].file is None