
CentralLog helps recording the logs by MyOperator standards

centrallog, composer-package, myoperator, php
pip install myoperator-py==0.2.9


MyOperator CentralLog

This library is intended to be used as a basic log4php wrapper to log in our desired pattern.


  • Namespaces and defines
  • PSR-4 autoloading compliant structure
  • Default detail log compatible configurator
  • One log location centrally


You can easily install this package by adding following section in your composer.json:

"repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""

and then doing: composer require myoperator/centrallog:dev-master

or by adding following to your composer.json:

  "require": {
        "myoperator/centrallog": "dev-master"

The composer.json will look like

    "require": {
        "myoperator/centrallog": "dev-master"
    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""


  1. Include vendor/autoload in your project
   include_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
  1. Configure the logger
  use \MyOperator\CentralLog;

  CentralLog::configure('mylog.log'); //logs.log refers to log output file
  1. Get the logger and log anything
  $log = CentralLog::getLogger('myLogger');

Overall, this can be summarised as

include_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \MyOperator\CentralLog;


$log = CentralLog::getLogger('myLogger');

//Or you can also provide the title
$log->withTitle("Making curl request")->log("curl response");


The logger is adjusted to be configured as per myoperator specific logs. Hence, following params can be passed to the configure method.

  CentralLog::configure(string  $outputpath = null, string  $server = null, string|\MyOperator\class  $class = null, string  $pattern = null, string  $maxsize = null)


string	$outputpath	Output path of the log file

string	$server	Server on which the application is running. Ex- S6, API01

string	$class	Class name under which the logger is being used

string	$pattern	logger pattern as described in

string	$maxsize	Maximum size per log

Available methods

Logging General log

Any log can be logged with following method signature

   CentralLog::log(mixed  $message, string  $uid = null,  integer  $acl = null, string $loglevel="info")


mixed	$message	Item to be logged

string	$uid	The unique id of item. In case of sync script, this can be engine uid. (optional)

integer	$acl	The ACL to be used to log the item. (optional). Can be one of [1,2,4]

string	$loglevel The loglevel to use for the log. defaults to `info`. (optional)

Note that none of support/developer/client log method needs $acl parameter as it is obvious which $acl is going to be used

Logging with title

Titles helps contextiying log domain. It provides a way to recognize activities in logs. To make logs more readable, you can provide log titles with ->withTitle($title) or ->title($title). For instance -

  $logger->withTitle($title)->log($message, $uid, $acl);
  //This is same as above
  $logger->title($title)->log($message, $uid, $acl);

Logging support logs

   $logger->slog(mixed  $message, string  $uid = null, string  $level = null)

Logging client logs

   $logger->clog(mixed  $message, string  $uid = null, string  $level = null)

Logging developer logs

   $logger->dlog(mixed  $message, string  $uid = null, string  $level = null);

Logging combined logs

Sometimes, you may wish to log different types of responses for same event. You can easily do as by setting different messages in following message keys:

   $message = array(
                  'dmsg' => 'Your developer log here',
                  'smsg' => 'Your support log here',
                  'cmsg' => 'Your customer log here'

For instance, in case of an exception, you may want to send the stack trace to developer, exception message to support, and the string Error occured to end customer. This can be easily accomplished by implementing log as:

      throw new \Exception("Application error....", 400);
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
      $log->log(['dmsg' => $e, 'cmsg' => 'Some error occured', 'smsg' => $e->getMessage()]);

Viewing documentation

This package uses phpdoc to generate documentation. You can generate the package documentation by cloning the repository and installing dev dependencies

    composer update --dev

and then using phpdoc to generate reference documentation by

   phpdoc -d src/


  • Add phpunit testcases