Type annotations for boto3 EMR 1.37.3 service generated with mypy-boto3-builder 8.9.2

boto3, emr, boto3-stubs, type-annotations, mypy, typeshed, autocomplete, annotations, annotations-builder, auto-generated, docker, emacs, mypy-stubs, pycharm, pyright, python3, sublime-text, vscode
pip install mypy-boto3-emr==1.37.3


Mypy Boto3 Builder

PyPI - mypy-boto3-builder PyPI - Python Version Docs

PyPI - boto3-stubs PyPI - boto3 Docs PyPI - Downloads PyPI - Monthly Downloads

PyPI - types-aiobotocore PyPI - aiobotocore Docs PyPI - Downloads PyPI - Monthly Downloads

PyPI - types-aioboto3 PyPI - aioboto3 Docs PyPI - Downloads PyPI - Monthly Downloads


Type annotations generator for types-boto3, boto3-stubs, types-aiobotocore, and types-aioboto3 projects. Compatible with VSCode, PyCharm, Emacs, Sublime Text, mypy, pyright and other tools.

See how it helps to find and fix potential bugs:

types-boto3 demo

Do you want more? Check the documentation and use boto3 like a pro!


  • Install uv
  • Run uvx mypy_boto3_builder
  • Answer some questions, get your custom package
  • Install a generated package

Type annotations documentation

Builder documentation


mypy_boto3_builder version is not related to boto3 version and follows Python Packaging version specifiers.

Latest changes

Full changelog can be found in Releases.