
myt - My Task Manager

pip install myt-cli==0.1.9



My Tasks - A personal task manager

GitHub Release GitHub License App Type PyPI - Status Python Version from PEP 621 TOML GitHub code size in bytes security: bandit

What is it

A simple command line task manager written in python. It is inspired from taskwarrior but with no where near as much functionality.

What can it do

You can add tasks with descriptions, due dates and notes. You can groups tasks together and can add tags to them. Tasks can be modified. Tasks can also be set to indicate they are currently being worked on. There is functionality to set recurring tasks


  1. The default view - myt view TaskView  
  2. Information displayed after adding a task - myt add -de "Pay council tax" -du +2 -gr home.fin -tg bills,official TaskView  
  3. Basic statistics - myt stats TaskView


  1. Add a simple task myt add -de "Buy gifts" -du 2021-06-25 -gr PERS.SHOPPING -tg birthday,occassions  
  2. Add a recurring task myt add -de "Pay the rent" -re M -du 2021-06-25 -hi -5 -gr PERS.FINANCES -tg bills This task is scheduled for the 25th of every month. Using the 'hide' option tt will be hidden until 5 days from the due date for every occurence in the tasks default view  
  3. Add a recurring task with an end date myt add -de "Project weekly catch ups" -re WD1,2,5 -du +0 -en +30 -gr WORK.PROJECTS This adds a recurring task for every Monday, Tuesday and Friday and ending in 30 days from today

Other functionality in the app can be explored using the app's help


Install using pip: pip install myt-cli


  • Python 3
  • Sqlite3



Nitin Mathew,