
Python wrapper for Nager API

nagerapi, nager, wrapper, api
pip install nagerapi==0.3.1


Welcome to Nager Public Holiday API's documentation!

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Unofficial Python bindings for the Nager Public Holiday API. The goal is to make interaction with the API as easy as possible.

Installation & Documentation

pip install nagerapi

Documentation can be found at Read the Docs.

Connecting to Nager

Getting a NagerObjectAPI Instance

To connect to the Nager Public Holiday API you use the :class:`~nagerapi.NagerObjectAPI` object.

from nagerapi import NagerObjectAPI

nager = NagerObjectAPI()
import nagerapi

nager = nagerapi.NagerObjectAPI()

Usage Examples

Example: List all 2022 US Holidays.

In this one we get the US :class:`~nagerapi.Country` Object and call public_holidays from that object.

from nagerapi import NagerObjectAPI

nager = NagerObjectAPI()
country ="US")

for holiday in country.public_holidays(2022):
    print(f"{} is on {'%Y-%m-%d')}")

Alternatively you can call public_holidays from the :class:`~nagerapi.NagerObjectAPI` object directly providing the country code.

from nagerapi import NagerObjectAPI

nager = NagerObjectAPI()

for holiday in nager.public_holidays(2022, "US"):
    print(f"{} is on {'%Y-%m-%d')}")


Usage & Contributions

  • Source is available on the Github Project Page.
  • Contributors to NagerAPI own their own contributions and may distribute that code under the MIT license.