
Extension for tracking Jupyter Notebook history

pip install nbcomet==0.2



nbcomet is a Jupyter Notebook extension that tracks Notebook history. It consists of both a server side extension (python) and a client-side nbextenion (javascript). Both must be installed for the tracking to work properly.


1. Install python package

For your convenience, nbcomet's server and nbextenion are contained in a single python package that can be installed with pip. Simply run the following command in your terminal:

pip install nbcomet

2. Configure server extension

While nbcomet is now installed, you need to tell Jupyter to use it. First, enable the server extension

jupyter serverextension enable --py nbcomet

3. Configure NBExtension

Next, you will need to install and enable the nbextension component of nbcomet:

jupyter nbextension install --py nbcomet
jupyter nbextension enable --py nbcomet

4. Check installation

You may check that nbcomet installed correctly by running the following commands:

jupyter serverextension list
jupyter nbextension list

5. Optional: Configure Data Directory

By default, Comet with store its data in ~/.jupyter/nbcomet; You can change this parameter by editing the notebook.json configuration file in your ~/.jupyter/nbconfig folder to include a line specifying your data directory. For example: "Comet": {"data_directory": "/full/path/to/directory" }.

What Comet Tracks

Comet tracks how your notebook changes over time. It does so by:

  1. tracking the occurrence of actions such as creating, deleting, moving, or executing cells
  2. tracking how your notebook changes as a result of these actions

Comet tracks this information in three ways:

  1. committing every notebook change to a local git repository
  2. periodically saving a full version of the notebook
  3. saving the name and time of every action to an sqlite database

Comet is a research tool designed to help scientists in human-computer interaction better understand how people use Jupyter Notebooks. It is primarily a recording tool with limited support for visualizing or reviewing the recorded data.

Comet Extension HistoryFlow Visualization