Neuroimaging Results Visualization

python, dash, pandas, data, visualization, plotly, neuroscience, datavisualization, plotly-dash, python3
pip install nerv==1.0.0


Neuroimaging Results Visualization

Neuroimaging Results Visualization (NeRV) is a web interface developed in Python using Plotly Dash, Dash Bootstrap Components, and pandas for visualization of neuroimaging results obtained from continuous testing of neuroimaging data across software pipelines.

Getting Started


Install NeRV using pip:

pip install nerv

Example usage

In order for NeRV to generate and populate plots the underlying app requires access to the directory that houses subdirectories, which in turn contain the JSON files to be visualized. The path to directory can be passed to the app as input to the start function.

from nerv import app


After executing the file containing the above code snippet, a local server is started at port 8050 (by default). You can access the running NeRV application using a browser through the URL localhost:8050.



To deploy your NeRV app, you can utilize Gunicorn. Simply follow the instructions outlined in the Dash documentation here, making the necessary adjustment in the module content:

from nerv import app

server = app.start("path-to-data-directory", False)

Note that when the local parameter of the start function is set to False, it will return the app.server object. This object represents the underlying Flask server that drives the Dash application. You can utilize the app.server object to customize and extend the NeRV application, going beyond the default functionality offered. For more details, refer to the Flask documentation.


This project is licensed under the terms of MIT License.