Recursive diff and patch for nested structures.
- Machine readable diff structure.
- Human friendly diff visualization, collapsible html diffs.
- All ops (added/removed/changed/unchanged) are optional and may be disabled.
- Any data types support may be added by external handlers.
pip install nested_diff
For extra formats support (YAML, TOML) in cli tools, use
pip install nested_diff[cli]
$ cat a.json b.json
[0, [1], 3]
[0, [1, 2], 3]
$ nested_diff a.json b.json
+ [1]
+ 2
nested_diff a.json b.json --ofmt json > patch.json
nested_patch a.json patch.json
>>> from nested_diff import diff, patch
>>> from nested_diff.formatters import TextFormatter
>>> a = {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3}
>>> b = {'one': 1, 'two': 42}
>>> full_diff = diff(a, b)
>>> full_diff
{'D': {'three': {'R': 3}, 'two': {'N': 42, 'O': 2}, 'one': {'U': 1}}}
>>> short_diff = diff(a, b, O=False, U=False) # omit old and unchanged items
>>> short_diff
{'D': {'three': {'R': 3}, 'two': {'N': 42}}}
>>> a = patch(a, short_diff)
>>> assert a == b
>>> human_readable = TextFormatter().format(full_diff)
>>> print(human_readable)
- {'three'}
- 3
- 2
+ 42
HTML and ANSI colored terminal formatters also available out of the box.
See Live Demo,
Diff is a dict and may contain status keys:
stands for 'added', it's value - added item. -
means 'different' and contains subdiff. -
is a new value for changed item. -
is a changed item's old value. -
key used for removed item. -
represent unchanged item.
and auxiliary keys:
comment; optional, value - arbitrary string. -
extension ID (optional). -
index for sequence item, used only when prior item was omitted.
Diff metadata alternates with actual data; simple types specified as is, dicts,
lists and tuples contain subdiffs for their items with native for such types
addressing: indexes for lists and tuples, keys for dictionaries. Any status
key, except D
may be omitted during diff computation. E
key is used with
when entity unable to contain diff by itself (set, frozenset for example);
contain a list of subdiffs in this case.
a: {"one": [5,7]}
b: {"one": [5], "two": 2}
opts: U=False # omit unchanged items
{"D": {"one": {"D": [{"I": 1, "R": 7}]}, "two": {"A": 2}}}
| | | | | | || | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | || | | | | | | | +- with value 2
| | | | | | || | | | | | | +- key 'two' was added
| | | | | | || | | | | | +- subdiff for it
| | | | | | || | | | | +- another key from top-level
| | | | | | || | | | +- what it was (item's value: 7)
| | | | | | || | | +- what happened to item (removed)
| | | | | | || | +- list item's actual index
| | | | | | || +- prior item was omitted
| | | | | | |+- subdiff for list item
| | | | | | +- it's value - list
| | | | | +- it is deeply changed
| | | | +- subdiff for key 'one'
| | | +- it has key 'one'
| | +- top-level thing is a dict
| +- changes somewhere deeply inside
+- diff is always a dict
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