
Legacy (Qt5) GUI for the Nestor annotation tool

nlp, smart, manufacturing, maintenance, tag, app
pip install nestor-qt==0.3.5


#nestor-qt Legacy user-interface to the nestor workflow.


This interface was designed to help manufacturers "tag" their maintenance work-order data using the nestor workflow. It takes advantage of keyword prioritization and relationship/link prediction to assist in dataset labeling without having to look at the data document-by-document.

The current build is an alpha tool built for reasearch purposes, so please be patient while using it. See the main nestor page for more information. Ifyou have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us (see Who are we?. )


pip install nestor-qt

Past releases have provided executable files, which are still available. New executables are in-development, via beeware's briefcase framework.

Requirments: python>=3.7. Use of virtual environment (pyenv, pipenv, conda, etc.) is recommended.

With a python installation

Who are we?

This toolkit is a part of the Knowledge Extraction and Application for Smart Manufacturing (KEA) project, within the Systems Integration Division at NIST.

Points of Contact

Contributors to nestor-qt:

Name GitHub Handle
Rachael Sexton @rtbs-dev
Sascha Moccozet @saschaMoccozet
Michael Brundage @MichaelPBrundage
Madhusudanan N. @msngit
Emily Hastings @emhastings
Lela Bones @lelatbones