
Network centrality library

node_importance, centrality_measures, centrality, complex-networks
pip install netcenlib==0.2.1



NetCenLib (Network centrality library) is a tool to compute a wide range of centrality measures for a given network. The library is designed to work with Python Networkx library.


The goal of NetCenLib is to offer a comprehensive repository for implementing a broad spectrum of centrality measures. Each year, new measures are introduced through scientific papers, often with only pseudo-code descriptions, making it difficult for researchers to evaluate and compare them with existing methods. While implementations of well-known centrality measures exist, recent innovations are frequently absent. NetCenLib strives to bridge this gap. It references the renowned CentiServer portal for well-known centrality measures and their originating papers, aiming to encompass all these measures in the future.

Code structure

All custom implementations are provided under netcenlib/algorithms package. Each centrality measure is implemented in a separate file, named after the measure itself. Correspondingly, each file contains a function, named identically to the file, which calculates the centrality measure. This function accepts a NetworkX graph as input (and other params if applicable) and returns a dictionary, mapping nodes to their centrality values. Ultimately, every custom implementation is made available through the netcenlib/algorithms package.

Implemented centrality measures:

How to use

Library can be installed using pip:

pip install netcenlib

Code usage

Provided algorithms can be executed in the following ways:

  • by invoking a specific function from netcenlib.algorithms package, which computes a given centrality measure for a given graph.
import networkx as nx
import netcenlib as ncl

# Create a graph
G = nx.karate_club_graph()

# Compute degree centrality
degree_centrality = ncl.degree_centrality(G)

# Compute betweenness centrality
betweenness_centrality = ncl.betweenness_centrality(G)

# Compute closeness centrality
closeness_centrality = ncl.closeness_centrality(G)

# Compute eigenvector centrality
eigenvector_centrality = ncl.eigenvector_centrality(G)
  • invoking compute_centrality method of CentralityService class, which allows to compute centrality for a given centrality measure.
from typing import Any
import networkx as nx
from networkx import Graph

from netcenlib.centrality import compute_centrality
from netcenlib.taxonomies import Centrality

g: Graph = nx.karate_club_graph()
centrality_centroid: dict[Any, float] = compute_centrality(g, Centrality.CENTROID)

This method allows you not to directly specify centrality, making it easy to compute different centralities in a loop.


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Project maintainers are:

  • Damian Frąszczak
  • Edyta Frąszczak