
Utility tools for system neuroscience research, including Open Source Wrapper or Parser

Neuroscience, visual, cellular, imaging, brain, mapping, spatial, navigation
pip install neura-library==0.2.6



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Utility tools for rodent system neuroscience research, including Open Source Wrapper or Parser

Checkout Release notes


  • First, install common dependencies in the conda env with Python>=3.9 (>=3.11 not yet tested)

    • pip install neura-library
  • Install all dependencies using

    • pip install neural-library[all]
  • Install the minimal required dependencies according to usage purpose . For example:

    • Choices in []: atlas, scanner, calimg, segmentation, model, track, gpu, profile, imagelib, tools, all
    • Use atlas module: pip install neural-library[atlas]
    • Use segmentation module: pip install neural-library[segmentation]
  • For developer for anyone want to contribute, run also:

    • pip install neural-library[dev]
    • Setup pre-commit by: pre-commit install
    • Do dry run ruff lint check by: ruff check .



  • Module for whole brain, slice view visualization and rois classification
    • neuralib.atlas.ccf: Customized hierarchical classification for the mouse brain atlas
    • neuralib.atlas.brainrender: cli-based wrapper for brainrender
    • neuralib.atlas.cellatlas: Volume and cell types counts for each brain region, refer to Cell Atlas
    • neuralib.atlas.ibl: Slice view plotting wrapper for ibllib and iblatlas


  • Module for 2photon calcium imaging acquisition and result parsing
    • neuralib.calimg.scan_image: Data acquired from ScanImage ( under DEV)
    • neuralib.calimg.scanbox: Data acquired from Scanbox
    • neuralib.calimg.suite2p: Result parser for suite2p
    • neuralib.calimg.spikes: dF/F to spike activity (OASIS/Cascade)


  • Module for neuronal segmentation
    • neuralib.segmentation.cellpose: Result Parser and batch running for cellpose
    • neuralib.segmentation.stardist: Result Parser and batch running for stardist


  • neuralib.model.bayes_decoding: Position decoding using population neuronal activity

  • neuralib.model.rastermap: Run and result parser for rastermap


  • Module for other open-source tools wrapper
    • neuralib.tracking.deeplabcut: Result parser for DeepLabCut

    • neuralib.tracking.facemap: Result parser for facemap

Utilities Modules

  • neuralib.argp: Use argparse as dataclass field

  • neuralib.persistence: caching the analyzed results (i.e., concatenation for statistic purpose)

  • neuralib.bokeh_model: Interactive dashboard visualization

  • neuralib.sqlp: Python functions to build a SQL (sqlite3) statement.

  • neuralib.plot: Module for general plotting purpose

  • neuralib.imglib: Image processing library (under DEV)

  • Google spreadsheet API wrapper for read/write

  • Real-time slack notification bot for analysis pipeline

  • neuralib.util.cli_args: run script as subprocess

  • neuralib.util.color_logging: logging with color format

  • neuralib.util.csv: csv context manager

  • neuralib.util.gpu: OS-dependent gpu info

  • neuralib.util.profile_test: simple benchmark profile testing

  • neuralib.util.table: rich table visualization

CLI project.scripts

  • brender: see examples in api