This package aims to collect news data via Google News API, preporcessing, implement pretrained news type classifer, sentiment classifier and perform statistical hierarchy predictive model for news event and then implememnt multiple geolocator.

pip install news-nlp==1.0.22


Global Geopolitical Risk Project: News NLP

Notebook NewsApp demonstrate the usage of Python package pip install news-nlp

This project aims to measure country-level Geopolitical Risk (GPR) based on news data. This risk index consists of seven predefined components, including Conflict, Terror Thteat, Corruption, Environment, Social, Governance (ESG) and foreign policy. This project covers:

  1. identifying search terms using NLP TF-IDF method;
  2. an unsupervised clustering model (K-means) to categorise search terms into five groups.
  3. an NLP deep learning model to classify news articles into the predefined topics.
  4. an hierarchy statistical model to infer news event location at country level and then
  5. an geolocator in terms of longitude, latitude, and population
  6. a supervised sentiment classifier to categorize GPR news articles into three classes, positive, neutral, and negative.

Section 1: Usage of news-nlp pacakge

  1. download sample news dataset from data folder

  2. Suggect to run it in conda virtual environment named news_nlp

    conda create -n news_nlp python=3.10 -y

conda activate news_nlp

  1. install dependcies

python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg

install cliff docker image to geoloate text data in terms of lan, lon, popualtion, location name, location type etc

docker pull rahulbot/cliff-clavin:2.6.1

docker run -p 8080:8080 -m 8G -d --name cliff rahulbot/cliff-clavin:2.6.1

where cliff is the name of container

  1. install News_NLP pip install news-nlp

Section 2: Docker Image

(no need to config development environment)


  2. download docker image docker pull zhenxianlu/news-nlp-amd64:latest

  3. check local images docker images

  4. start this image sudo docker run -itd --name news-nlp zhenxianlu/news-nlp-amd64:latest /bin/bash where news-nlp is to name the contianer

  5. check running containers sudo docker ps

  6. keep container running sudo docker attach news-nlp

  7. create bridge network to connect news-nlp container with cliff container sudo docker network create -n my-net create a bridge named my-net sudo docker network connect my-net news-nlp sudo docker network connect my-net cliff

  8. check the IPs of the contianers connected to my-net sudo docker network inspect my-net copy the IP of container cliff for future use, it should something like that 172.**.*.*

  9. Enter container sudo docker container attach news-nlp

  10. Enter folder cd News_NLP/

  11. Open by vim and amend the line my_cliff = Cliff('') as my_cliff = Cliff('http://172.**.*.*:8080')

  12. Back to parent folder cd ..

  13. Excute pyhton

  14. Additonally, copy file from container to host on the terminal of host sudo docker cp nlp:/NewsApp/News_NLP/data/new_data.csv /host/path/target

    lasted updated on Feb 8, 2023