
The chatting application to end all chatting applications.

pip install nightwatch-chat==0.8.0



Python Rust

The chatting application to end all chatting applications.


As an end-user, you have multiple clients to pick from when it comes to accessing Nightwatch.
Here are two of the standard clients for you to choose from:

  • Terminal Client (based on urwid)

    • Installation is as simple as pip install nightwatch-chat.
    • The client can be started by running nightwatch in your terminal.
  • Full Desktop App (based on tauri)

    • Download the latest release for your system from here.
    • Alternatively, run it manually:
      • Follow the instructions from Tauri prerequisites (including installing Rust).
      • Install the Tauri CLI: cargo install tauri-cli.
      • Launch via cargo tauri dev inside the nightwatch/desktop/ folder.

Server Installation

Running a Nightwatch server can be a bit trickier then running the client, but follow along:

  • You'll need either CPython 3.10 or above, or preferably, PyPy 3.10.
  • Install the following dependencies: pypy3 -m pip install ujson socketify.
  • Launch the server via pypy3 -m nightwatch.server.

For more possible ways to run the server, please refer to the documentation.


Configuration is available at:

  • *nix systems: ~/.config/nightwatch/config.json
  • Windows: %AppData%\Local\Nightwatch\config.json

The Nightwatch client currently allows you to store custom colors and username data there.
The server currently only uses it for Although that is prone to change.