NInst: NiftyPET Installation Tools
is a stand-alone Python sub-package of NiftyPET, dedicated to helping with installation of other sub-packages. Although it is an essential part of NiftyPET packaging, ninst
could be used in other projects.
Documentation with installation manual and tutorials:
pip install ninst
Note that installation prompts for setting the path to NiftyPET_tools
This can be avoided by setting the environment variables PATHTOOLS
It's also recommended (but not required) to use conda.
# optional (Linux syntax) to avoid prompts
export PATHTOOLS=$HOME/NiftyPET_tools
# cross-platform install
conda install -c conda-forge python=3
pip install ninst
Copyright 2018-21
- Casper O. da Costa-Luis @ King's College London
- Pawel J. Markiewicz @ University College London
- Contributors