
Turkish NLP library

nlp, turkish, acikhack2022tddi, nlp-library, turkish-nlp
pip install nlpturk==0.0.2


nlpTurk - Turkish NLP library

nlpTurk is an open source Turkish NLP library consisting of machine learning based sentence boundary detection, lemmatization and POS tagging models.

Installation & Usage

nlpTurk can be installed from PyPI.

pip install nlpturk

nlpTurk offers a simple API to extract sentences, lemmas and POS tags.

import nlpturk

text = "Sosyal medya hayatımıza hızlı girdi.ama yazım kurallarına dikkat eden pek yok :)"
doc = nlpturk(text)

# iterate over tokens
for token in doc:
    print(f"token: {token.text}, lemma: {token.lemma}, pos: {token.pos}")

  token: Sosyal, lemma: sosyal, pos: ADJ
  token: medya, lemma: medya, pos: NOUN

# or get tokens by token ids
token = doc[5]
print(f"token: {token.text}, sent_start: {token.is_sent_start}, sent_end: {token.is_sent_end}")
token = doc[6]
print(f"token: {token.text}, sent_start: {token.is_sent_start}, sent_end: {token.is_sent_end}")

  token: ., sent_start: False, sent_end: True
  token: ama, sent_start: True, sent_end: False

# iterate over sentences
for i, sent in enumerate(doc.sents):
    print(f"sentence #{i+1}: {sent.text}")
    for token in sent:
        print(f"  token: {token.text}, lemma: {token.lemma}, pos: {token.pos}")

  sentence #1: Sosyal medya hayatımıza hızlı girdi.
    token: Sosyal, lemma: sosyal, pos: ADJ
  sentence #2: ama yazım kurallarına dikkat eden pek yok :)
    token: ama, lemma: ama, pos: CCONJ


The evaluation was performed on test dataset. Detailed evaluation and benchmarking results can be found here.

accuracy precision recall f1-score
Sentence Segmenter - 98.09 96.05 97.06
POS Tagger - 95.75 96.26 96.01
Lemmatizer 96.87 - - -

You can perform benchmarking on your own dataset.

git clone
cd nlpturk
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m nlpturk benchmark --data_path path/to/data --output_path path/to/output