
pip install notifications-central==0.0


Notification central

This module manages the users email notifications and aims to reduce the amount of emails sent. Users can now group their notifications on a single email that can be send daily, weekly or monthly.

##Install and configure

  1. Clone the repository and install the app using pip.

    > pip install notifications-central
  2. Add the module to the installed apps in django settings, and execute the migration command.

  3. Call Django migrations

    > python migrate
  4. Configure Crontab to schedule the send of emails for each period.

        00 8 * * * python send_notifications D
        00 8 * * MON python send_notifications W
        00 8 1 * * python send_notifications M

##How it works

In the code

Use the next code to notify the user about something. Then depending on how the notification is configured the user will receive the message immediately by email, or later in grouped with other messages.

from import notify


notify('NOTIFICATION UNIQUE CODE', msg_subject, msg_text, user=user_to_send)

###On the Web App

####Superuser view

Menu seen by the superuser:

Superuser menu

The superuser can configure the next options for the notifications:

  • Set the default time when each notification type should be send.
  • Activate or deactivate the notifications. In case a notification type is disabled, the messages are not going to be registered.
  • Set the notifications unique code.
  • Set the notifications label (Label shown to the user).
  • Set a flag that avoid the user to be notified multiple times with the same message.

Configure notifications

Access all the users notifications:

All users notifications


Ordinary users, will see a icon with the unread notifications on the top menu.

Configure notifications

To view the notifications users can click in the notifications icon, and select the notifications in the list.

Configure notifications

Users configuring the notifications grouping by clicking in the cog, and selecting the period when they would like to receive each type of notification.

Configure notifications