
Bundle the modules of a Python application. (WIP)

pip install nr.bundler==1.2.2



License: MIT

PyBundle is a command-line tool to create standalone Python applications. It aims to be a cross-platform replacement for cx_Freeze and a lightweight alternative to PyInstaller.

Currently native dependency resolution is only supported on Windows.


Big Python libraries for which hooks exist only include elements of the module that are recognized to be necessary. Most of these hooks support command-line options to enable including the whole library anyway. These options are shown in parentheses.

  • PyQt5 (--hook-PyQt5:whole)
  • PySide2
  • wxPython (wx)
  • (Qt)


$ nr python-bundler --help
usage: nr python-bundler [-h] [--version] [-v] [--flat] [--json]
                         [--json-graph] [--dotviz] [--search SEARCH]
                         [--recursive] [--whitelist GLOB] [--deps]
                         [--package-members] [--nativedeps]
                         [--show-module-path] [--show-hooks-path] [--collect]
                         [--dist] [--entry SPEC] [--resource SRC[:DST]]
                         [--bundle-dir DIRECTORY] [--exclude EXCLUDE]
                         [--no-default-includes] [--no-default-excludes]
                         [--compile-modules] [--zip-modules]
                         [--zip-file ZIP_FILE] [--no-srcs] [--copy-always]
                         [--no-default-module-path] [--module-path PATH]
                         [--no-default-hooks-path] [--hooks-path PATH]
                         [args [args ...]]

Create standalone distributions of Python applications.

positional arguments:
  args                  Additional positional arguments. The interpretation of
                        these arguments depends on the selected operation.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         Increase the log-level from ERROR.
  --flat                Instruct certain operation to produce flat instead of
                        nested output.
  --json                Instruct certain operations to output JSON.
  --json-graph          Instruct certain operations to output JSON Graph.
  --dotviz              Instruct certain operations to output Dotviz.
  --search SEARCH       Instruct certain operations to search for the
                        specified string. Used with --nativedeps
  --recursive           Instruct certain operations to operate recursively.
                        Used with --nativedeps
  --whitelist GLOB      Only search and bundle modules matching the specified
                        glob pattern.

operations (dump):
  --deps                Dump the dependency tree of the specified Python
                        module(s) to stdout and exit.
  --package-members     Dump the members of the specified Python package(s) to
                        stdout and exit.
  --nativedeps          Dump the dependencies of the specified native
                        binary(ies) and exit.
  --show-module-path    Print the module search path to stdout and exit.
  --show-hooks-path     Print the hooks search path to stdout and exit.

operations (build):
  --collect             Collect all modules in the bundle/modules/. This is
                        operation is is automatically implied with the --dist
  --dist                Create a standalone distribution of the Python
                        interpreter. Unless --no-defaults is specified, this
                        will include just the core libraries required by the
                        Python interpreter and a modified module.
                        Additional arguments are treated as modules that are
                        to be included in the distribution.
  --entry SPEC          Create an executable from a Python entrypoint
                        specification and optional arguments in the standalone
                        distribution directory. The created executable will
                        run in console mode unless the spec is prefixed with
                        an @ sign (as in @prog=module:fun).
  --resource SRC[:DST]  Copy thepath(s) to the bundle directory. If DST is not
                        specified, it defaults to res/{srcbasename}/. The path
                        to the res/ directory can be retrieved with

optional arguments (build):
  --bundle-dir DIRECTORY
                        The name of the directory where collected modules and
                        the standalone Python interpreter be placed. Defaults
                        to bundle/.
  --exclude EXCLUDE     A comma-separated list of modules to exclude. Any sub-
                        modules of the listed package will also be excluded.
                        You can also exact import chains as X->Y where Y is
                        the module imported from X. This argument can be
                        specified multiple times.
                        Do not add default module includes (the Python core
                        Do not add default import excludes.
  --compile-modules     Compile collected Python modules.
  --zip-modules         Zip collected Python modules. Note that modules that
                        are detected to be not supported when zipped will be
                        left out. Must be combined with --dist or --collect.
  --zip-file ZIP_FILE   The output file for --zip-modules.
  --no-srcs             Exclude source files from modules directory or
  --copy-always         Always copy files, even if the target file already
                        exists and the timestamp indicates that it hasn't

optional arguments (search):
                        Ignore the current Python module search path available
                        via sys.path.
  --module-path PATH    Specify an additional path to search for Python
                        modules. Can be comma-separated or specified multiple
                        Do not use the default hooks search path for the hooks
                        delivered with PyBundle.
  --hooks-path PATH     Specify an additional path to search for module search
                        hooks. Can be comma-separated or specified multiple

Copyright © 2018 Niklas Rosenstein