
Numerical solution of stochastic Volterra integral equations via a stochastic operational matrix based on block pulse functions.

orthogonal-functions, sde, stochastic-differential-equations, stochastic-volterra-integral-equation, numerical-solution, block-pulse-functions, brownian-motion, ito-integral, mathematics, numerical-solutions, python, stochastic-operationa-matrix, stochastic-volterra-integral-equations
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A python package for computing a numerical solution of stochastic Volterra integral equations of the second kind



  • X-t is an unknown process,
  • f is a continuous function,
  • k-1-k-2 are continuous and square integrable functions,
  • B-t is the Brownian motion (see Wiener process) and
  • ito-integral is the Itô-integral (see Itô calculus)

by a stochastic operational matrix based on block pulse functions as suggested in Maleknejad et. al (2012) [1].

nssvie is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license.


Install using either of the following two methods.

1. Install from PyPi

pypi pyversions format

The nssvie package is available on PyPi and can be installed using pip

pip install nssvie

2. Install from Source

release licence

Install directly from the source code by

git clone https://github.com/dsagolla/nssvie.git
cd nssvie
pip install .


nssvie uses

  • NumPy for many calculations,
  • SciPy for computing the block pulse coefficients and
  • stochastic for sampling the Brownian Motion


Consider the following example of a stochastic Volterra integral equation



  • example-1-f ,
  • example-1-k-1 and
  • example-1-k-2 .
>>> from nssvie import StochasticVolterraIntegralEquations

>>> # Define the function and the kernels of the stochastic Volterra
>>> # integral equation
>>> def f(t):
>>>     return 1.0

>>> def k1(s,t):
>>>     return s**2

>>> def k2(s,t):
>>>     return s

>>> # Generate the stochastic Volterra integral equation
>>> svie = StochasticVolterraIntegralEquations(
>>>     f=f, kernel_2=k1, kernel_1=k2, T=0.5
>>> )

>>> # Calculate numerical solution with m=20 intervals
>>> svie_solution = svie.solve_method(m=20, solve_method="bpf")

The parameters are

  • f: the function f .
  • kernel_1, kernel_2: the kernels k-1-k-2 .
  • T: the right hand side of [0,T). Default is 1.0.
  • m: the number of intervals to divide [0,T). Default is 50.
  • solve_method: the choosen method based on orthogonal functions. Default is bpf.

for the stochastic Volterra integral equation above.


[1] Maleknejad, K., Khodabin, M., & Rostami, M. (2012). Numerical solution of stochastic Volterra integral equations by a stochastic operational matrix based on block pulse functions. Mathematical and computer Modelling, 55(3-4), 791-800. doi: 10.1016/j.mcm.2011.08.053