Packaging of NucliaDB admin JS app

angular, electron, front-end, low-code, react, svelte
pip install nucliadb-admin-assets==1.0.0.post1230



Nuclia frontend apps and libraries

Table of content


First you need to have NVM, NODE and YARN installed.

To install nvm, run:

curl -o- | bash


wget -qO- | bash

To check if it was installed properly, close and reopen the terminal and run command -v nvm and should return nvm. In case there is something else going on, troubleshoot with this documentation. To see all the commands, simply run nvm.

To install the latest stable version of node, run:

nvm install --lts

To check if node and npm is properly installed, run: node --version and npm --version. Any problems should be resolved with the nvm documentation.

To install yarn, run:

npm install --global yarn

Check if Yarn is installed by running: yarn --version.


In the rest of this documentation, we use commands like nx and missdev. Those can be find in node_modules/.bin folder. To use them directly you can add node_modules/.bin folder to your command line path. You can also install nx globally:

npm install -g nx

Dependencies installation


Pastanaga-angular installation must be done through missdev so sistema-demo can run:

yarn missdev

If it fails for any reason, you can try to clone Pastanaga manually:

cd libs
git clone


Start by creating an account with an email and password (as SSO doesn't work locally).

  • for Nuclia employees:

    In apps/dashboard/src/environments_config, create a file local-stage/app-config.json with the correct configuration to use the stage server. Ask a supervisor to get a proper configuration.

    Then you can run the dashboard locally and use the credential created previously to log in:

    nx serve dashboard
  • for external developers:

    You can use the production server with your real account by running:

    nx serve dashboard -c local-prod

    Note: the login page will automatically redirect you to the so you can login and will redirect back to http://localhost:4200 with the auth token.



In the demo, the knowledge box id is hardcoded in apps/search-widget-demo/src/App.svelte. Before launching the demo, replace this id by the one for your own public knowledge box.

Run the demo:

nx serve search-widget-demo

Build the widget:

nx build search-widget

When you have some local changes to the widget you'd like to test on the dashboard, you need to:

  • build the widget
  • copy the resulting nuclia-widget.umd.js to assets folder of dashboard app
  • in app.init.service.ts, replace the line injectWidget(config.backend.cdn); to injectWidget('/assets');




Sistema is Nuclia's design system. It is based on Pastanaga.

The demo is available at

To update the glyphs sprite:

  • add/remove/edit glyphs in libs/sistema/glyphs folder
  • run update_icons script:

CI/CD Deployment


CI/CD deployment does not cover:

  • the SDK as it is released in the NPM registry;
  • the NucliaDB admin app as it is released in the Python registry.

It covers:

  • the dashboard (not active at the time I am writing this doc, but will be soon);
  • the widget (not active at the time I am writing this doc, but will be soon);
  • the manager app

Deploying to stage

When merging a PR, if it impacts the manager app, it is built and our deploy_manager job (in our deploy GitHub Action) will update Helm and then trigger a Repository Dispatch event to the frontend_deploy repo.

That's how the manager is deployed to stage.

You can see the deployment on Stage ArgoCD.

Promoting to production

Once the app is deployed on stage, you can promote it to production by going to and clicking on "Run workflow". Then, choose app or manager component in the list (keep the default values for the rest) and click on "Run workflow".

It triggers the prod promotion, and it can be monitored on or

To deploy the widget, use

About ArgoCD

ArgoCD allows to monitor deployments and also to read the logs of the different pods.

Full documentation

Maintenance page

The maintenance page is in ./maintenance. It is deployed manually to stage using the following command:

gsutil cp -r ./maintenance gs://stashify-cdn