
A simple extensible heartbeat library for flask and Invenio repository

oarepo, invenio, flask, heartbeat, kubernetes
pip install oarepo-heartbeat==1.0.3


Heartbeat module for Flask applications and OAREPO Invenio repository

A heartbeat module for flask and OAREPO Invenio. It provides 3 endpoints:

  • .well-known/heartbeat/readiness
  • .well-known/heartbeat/liveliness
  • .well-known/heartbeat/environ


This endpoint returns HTTP status 200 if the server is ready for user requests or 500 if the server is not yet ready.

At the same time, it returns a payload explaining what is not yet ready/what went wrong:

    "status": false,
    "checks": {
        "Database": {
            "status": false,
            "message": "Error accessing database"

This endpoint should be called as Kubernetes readiness probe

Note: the result is extensible, ignore unknown keys


A oarepo_heartbeat.readiness_probe signal (with name oarepo.probe.readiness) is called during the readiness processing. Signal handler should return a response in the form of a tuple (name, status, data). The status is the logical and of returned statuses and data are passed inside the element. The following section will be added to the response:

"checks": {
    "returned_name": {
        "status": "returned_status",

Initial implementation:

When no signals are attached, the probe always returns HTTP 200, thus checking if the server is running.


This endpoint returns HTTP status 200 if the server is functioning correctly or 500 if the server has a problem.

At the same time, it returns a payload explaining what went wrong in the same format as in readiness probe:

    "status": false,
    "checks": {
        "Database": {
            "status": false,
            "message": "Error accessing database"

This endpoint should be called as Kubernetes liveliness probe

Note: the result is extensible, ignore unknown keys


A oarepo_heartbeat.liveliness_probe signal (with name oarepo.probe.liveliness) is called during the readiness processing. Signal handler should return a response in the form of a tuple (name, status, data). The status is the logical and of returned statuses and data are passed inside the element.

Initial implementation:

When no signals are attached, the probe always returns HTTP 200, thus checking if the server is running.


Endpoint returning the runtime environment of the server. The result contains at least a set of libraries present in the virtualenv and their versions.

    "status": true,
    "libraries": {
        "oarepo": {
            "conflicts": null,
            "version": "3.1.1"
    "python": [3, 6, 1]

Note: the result is extensible, ignore unknown keys


A oarepo_heartbeat.environ_probe signal (with name oarepo.probe.environ) is called during the readiness processing. Signal handler should return a response as a tuple (status, {data}). The status is the logical and of returned statuses and the data are merged into one dictionary.

Initial implementation:

When no signals are attached, the probe always returns HTTP 200 with json containing libraries and python elements as shown above.

Invenio usage:

To use this library on invenio, do not forget to add it to setup's blueprints and define your own readiness & liveliness signal handlers as needed (for example, checking database, ES connectivity):


'invenio_base.blueprints': [
    'oarepo-heartbeat = oarepo_heartbeat.views:blueprint',


from invenio_search import current_search_client
from oarepo_heartbeat import liveliness_probe, readiness_probe
from invenio_db import db

def database_check(*args, **kwargs):
        t1 = time.time()
        db.session.execute('select id from records_metadata limit 1').fetchall()
        t2 = time.time()
        return ('database', True, {'time': t2-t1})
    except Exception as e:
        return ('database', False, {'error': str(e)})

def elasticsearch_check(*args, **kwargs):
        t1 = time.time()
        current_search_client.indices.get_alias("*", request_timeout=10)
        t2 = time.time()
        return ('elasticsearch', True, {'time': t2-t1})
    except Exception as e:
        return ('elasticsearch', False, {'error': str(e)})

Flask usage:

Register the oarepo_heartbeat.views:blueprint blueprint to your flask application and write your own readiness and liveliness signals as needed.