Simple Python ORM/ODM specifically designed to be used with Pydantic and FastAPI

pip install odim==0.1.33



Simple Python ORM/ODM specifically designed to be used with Pydantic and FastAPI

Simple syntax

In order to nicely work with databases you just create your Pydantic models. Odim does not care if it is MongoDB or SQL.

from pydantic import BaseModel

class MyModel(BaseModel):
    id : int
    field : str

    class Config:
        db_uri = "mongodb://user:pwd@"
        collection_name = "mymodel"

Then you can easily perform CRUD operations.

obj = MyModel(id=1, field="asdf 213")
await Odim(obj).save()

obj2 = await Odim(MyModel).get(123)

for x in await Odim(MyModel).find({"field" : "asdf 213"}):
await Odim(MyModel).count({"field" : 1})

In case you are using amazin FastAPI. We have our extended router, that gives you CRUD API endpoint

from odim.router import OdimRouter

router = OdimRouter()

router.mount_crud("/api/mymodel/", model=MyModel, tags=["mymodel"])

Or you can generate these API stubs with

router.generate("/api/mymodel/", model=MyModel, tags=["mymodel"])