
A simple wrapper for more easily running Odoo RPC commands.

odoo, rpc, xmlrpc
pip install odoo-rpc-helper==0.0.7


Odoo XMLRPC Helper Functions

A small set of wrapper functions for facilitating CRUD operations in Odoo via XMLRPC.

Getting Started

Installing via pip

pip install odoo_rpc_helper

A Simple Connection

from odoo_rpc_helpers import OdooRPCHelper

DB = "test"  # Set this to your database name
USERNAME = "admin"  # Set this to a real username on the DB
PASSWORD = "admin"  # Set this to the password for user above
URL = "http://localhost:8069"  # Set this to the server URL


partner_id = odoo.create("res.partner", {"name": "Test Partner"})[0]
odoo.write("res.partner", [partner_id], {"phone": "+1 (123) 456-7890"})
partner = odoo.search_read(
  [['id', '=', partner_id]],
  ['name', 'phone']
print(f"We have a partner with ID {partner['id']} named {partner['name']} "
      f" with phone {partner['phone']}")
odoo.unlink("res.partner", [partner_id])

OdooRPCHelper Class

A class to help with various CRUD operations on an Odoo database via XMLRPC.



__init__(self, database: str, username: str, password: str, url: str = 'http://localhost:8069') Initialize the helper and authenticate with the Odoo server.

  • Parameters:
    • database: The name of the Odoo database to access
    • username: The username of the user to execute XMLRPC requests as
    • password: The password of the user to execute XMLRPC requests as
    • url: The URL of the Odoo server


execute_kw(self) Wrapper around self.models.execute_kw, to save effort on rewriting arguments. Simply omit the database, uid, and password arguments as they will be populated from instance variables.


create(self, model: str, fields: Dict) Wrapper for execute_kw create. Create a single record.

  • Parameters:
    • model: The model of which to create a record.
    • fields: The fields to assign during creation.
  • Return: The ID of the created record.


create_multi(self, model: str, fields_list: List[Dict]) Wrapper for execute_kw create. Create one or more records. Exactly like calling model.create with a list of dicts in Odoo.

  • Parameters:
    • model: The model of which to create a record.
    • fields_list: The list of dictionaries of fields to assign.
  • Return: The ID(s) of the created record(s).


search(self, model: str, domain: List) Wrapper for execute_kw search on a model.

  • Parameters:
    • model: The Odoo model to search.
    • domain: The regular Odoo-style domain. This function wraps it for the XMLRPC call.
  • Return: The list of record IDs found in the search.


search_read(self, model: str, domain: List, fields: List[str] = None) Wrapper for execute_kw search_read on a model.

  • Parameters:
    • model: The Odoo model to search.
    • domain: The regular Odoo-style domain.
    • fields: The fields to be loaded. All fields loaded by default.
  • Return: A list of dictionaries containing the loaded record fields.


read(self, model: str, res_ids: List[int], fields: List[str]) Wrapper for calling read on a model.

  • Parameters:
    • model: The Odoo model to browse.
    • res_ids: The IDs of the records to browse.
    • fields: The fields to be read.
  • Return: List of dictionaries with the requested fields.


write(self, model: str, res_ids: List[int], fields: Dict) Wrapper for calling write on a model.

  • Parameters:
    • model: Model to write to.
    • res_ids: Record IDs to write to.
    • fields: Fields to write.


unlink(self, model: str, res_ids: List[int]) Wrapper for calling unlink on a model.

  • Parameters:
    • model: Model to call unlink on.
    • res_ids: Record IDs to unlink.