
Commandline tool for managing addons in OpenFrameworks

pip install ofx==0.1


OFX - OpenFrameworks Addon Manager

Build Status

What is it

This is a tool aimed to help installing and managing addons for openFrameworks.


  • Install addons easily from the commandline
  • Automatic install dependency addons based on the addon_config.mk file
  • Read addon dependencies from your project, and install the required addons

Future features

  • Save addon dependencies in projects
  • Call apothecary to build dependency libraries automaticly for the current platform.


pip install ofx
ofx --help

Install for development

  • Clone the repository
clone https://github.com/HalfdanJ/ofx.git
  • Go to the new folder
cd ofx
  • Install python virtualenv (a virtual python enviroment, recomended, but not required)
sudo pip install virtualenv
  • Create a virtual enviroment inside the ofx tool
virtualenv venv
  • Activate the virtual enviroment (to deactivate write deactivate)
. venv/bin/activate
  • Install the ofx tool
pip install --editable .
  • Run the tool
ofx --help