
Additional solvers and drivers for OpenMDAO framework

openmdao, openmdao_driver, openmdao_nl_solver, openmdao-driver, openmdao-nl-solver
pip install openmdao-extensions==1.3.1


OpenMDAO Extensions

Tests Codacy Badge Ruff

Set of specialized classes to handle specific methods using OpenMDAO framework.

  • EgoboxEgorDriver : an OpenMDAO driver for Egor optimizer from Egobox library
  • EgoboxDOEDriver : an OpenMDAO driver for Mixint LHS DoE from Egobox library
  • OneraSegoDriver : an OpenMDAO driver for Onera Super EGO optimizers
  • SmtDOEDriver : an OpenMDAO driver for sampling methods from surrogate SMT library
  • SalibDOEDriver : an OpenMDAO driver for Morris or Saltelli DoE from sensitive analysis SALib library
  • OpenturnsDoeDriver : an OpenMDAO driver for DoE following distributions from OpenTURNS library
  • RecklessNonlinearBlockGS : a specialized version of the NonlinearBlockGS solver to select variables used in the convergence criterion.


pip install openmdao-extensions


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