
personal organizing tool

pip install orgApp==0.0.3



personal organizing tool

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With this app You can deal with your notes and contacts
Use nbk or notebook command to open your notebook manager.
Type abk or addressbook below to manage your contacts.
Also You are able to sort your files with sorter.
And if you are tired you can play simple games:
tictactoe, bandergoose, hannoitower or snake.

to install orgApp package run pip install orgApp:


It will install orgApp python package to your system.

for running programs use:

Use next commands in terminal anywhere:

command orgapp to run main 'orgApp' application.

command abk or addressbook to run 'adress_book' application.

command nbk or notebook to run main 'note_book' manager.

command sorter to run 'sorter' application.

and commands bandergoose or hannoitower or snake or tictactoe to run relevant GUI game.

Language Language version GitHub repo size GitHub followers

Technology which used:

Python Git GitHub Markdown

  • Technologies

    • Python
    • Git
    • MarkDown
  • Packages:

    • calendar, collections, colorama, datetime,
    • functools, json, os, pygame, pathlib,
    • prompt_toolkit, random, Faker,
    • re, shutil, sys, textwrap, time
    • tkinter, prompt_toolkit