A simple blog based on org-mode

org-mode, emacs, orgnote, blog
pip install orgnote==0.4.0


OrgNote: A simple blog based on org-mode

https://readthedocs.org/projects/orgnote/badge/?version=latest https://travis-ci.org/LeslieZhu/OrgNote.svg?branch=master Join the chat at https://gitter.im/LeslieZhu/OrgNote


Install OrgNote by pip:

$ pip install orgnote

Install OrgNote by easy_install:

$ easy_install orgnote

Install OrgNote by source code:

$ git clone git@github.com:LeslieZhu/OrgNote.git
$ cd OrgNote
$ python setup.py install

Get Started

At first, you should crate a yourname.github.com.git on GitHub:

$ git clone git@github.com:yourname/yourname.github.com.git
$ cd yourname.github.com
$ orgnote init


update _config.yml ,sample:

# OrgNote Configuration
## Docs: http://lesliezhu.github.io/OrgNote/
## Source: https://github.com/LeslieZhu/OrgNote

# Site
title: OrgNote
subtitle: "A simple org-mode blog, write blog by org-mode in Emacs"

author: OrgNote
email: pythonisland@gmail.com

language: zh-CN

# About this blog
description: "Use OrgNote."
keywords: "OrgNote,Emacs,org-mode,blog,python,geek"

Post Blog

$ orgnote new note-name

$ orgnote list

$ orgnote status

$ orgnote publish note-name

$ orgnote generate

$ orgnote server [port]

$ orgnote deploy


$ orgnote help

Usage: orgnote <command>

  init       Create a new OrgNote folder
  new        Create a new .org or .md post
  list       List this blog notes
  status     Status of those notes
  org2html   Run Emacs to convert .org to .html
  md2html    convert .md to .html
  publish    Publish a note
  recall     Cancel publish a note
  generate   Generate static files
  server     Start the server
  deploy     Deploy your website
  help       Get help on a command
  version    Display version information

For more help, you can check the docs:  http://orgnote.readthedocs.org/zh_CN/latest/

Emacs Version

Tested via GNU Emacs 27.1


see http://orgnote.readthedocs.org/zh_CN/latest/

OrgNote Bash Completion

see https://github.com/LeslieZhu/orgnote-bash-completion


Enjoy it! :)