Tool to creact CSV output from Avaya Communcation Manager commands.

pip install ossi-tool==0.5rc1



It is a Python script, to execute multiple commands on Avaya Communication Manager, and write output data into the CSV file for later processing. It is ideal tool to repeat a command many times which not available as import in Avaya Site Administration Tool (eg. list usage)

As input arguments need to define the followings:
  • host
  • Username
  • Password
  • Input file
  • Output file

For all available option use "ossi_tool -h"

Usage example:

#ossi_tool sampleuser -ppassword -i commands.csv -o outputfile.csv or #ossi_tool sampleuser -ppassword -c 'list node-name all'

Installation (Linux):

In most Linux distribution the Python 2.7 is installed.

Ossi_tool can be easily installed by pip, it takes care about other prerequisits.
  • Check python version
  • Install pip
  • Install ossi_tool

$ sudo easy_install-2.7 pip $ sudo pip install ossi_tool

ossi_tool is ready to use ;)

Installation (Windows):

Because the ossi tool use pexpect wich is not compatible with Windows Powershell SSH client, on Windows Linux Subsystem (WLS) should be used. You can chose many linux disctribution as subsystem. When the WLS is ready to use all other step same like Linux usage.

  • Install Python (maybe not necessary)
  • Install pip
  • Install ossi_tool

$ sudo easy_install-2.7 pip $ sudo pip install ossi_tool

ossi_tool is ready to use ;)

Known issues

  • If the RSA key of the host where want to connect not in the .ssh/known_hosts file, than it drops an exception.
    Workaround: ssh to the host with regular ssh and accept the RSA key.