
An extendible utility for moving files to the trash, from the commandline, on OS X.

pip install osx_trash==1.0.0



Easily move files to the trash on OS X from the commandline, or programatically.


The osx_trash package exposes a cli utility called trash.

usage: trash [-h] [-v] [--version] [src [src ...]]

positional arguments:
  src            A list of files and directories to move to the Trash.
                 Relative and absolute paths are both fine.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose  Toggle verbose output
  --version      Print version info and exit

The trash utility can be used to specify a relative or absolute filepath to move to the trash by simply running:

$ trash file1 file2 file3


The osx_trash package also exposes an API that you can use to programatically move files to the trash on an OS X system.

from osx_trash import trash


For more advanced use-cases, you can also tap into the base classes of the osx_trash API.

from osx_trash import LocalTrash

# Delete a file stored locally on the filesystem
f = LocalTrash('my_file.txt')

from osx_trash import MountedTrash

# Delete a file stored on a mounted volume
f = MountedTrash('/Volumes/MyDrive/my_file.txt')

When running programatically, be careful of the TrashException's that can be raised.

  • A NoLocalTrash Exception is raised if a user's .Trash directory can't be found.
  • An UnsupportedDiskFormat is raised if the filepath can't be deduced. Ie, doesn't start with /Users or /Volumes