
OpenTimelineIO Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) Adapter

pip install otio-aaf-adapter==1.0.0


OpenTimelineIO Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) Adapter

Supported VFX Platform Versions Supported Versions Run tests


This project is a OpenTimelineIO adapter for reading and writing Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) files. This adapter was originally included with OpenTimelineIO as a contrib adapter. It is in the process of being separated into this project to improve maintainability and reduced the dependencies of both projects.

Feature Matrix

Feature Read Write
Single Track of Clips ✔ ✔
Multiple Video Tracks ✔ ✔
Audio Tracks & Clips ✔ ✔
Gap/Filler ✔ ✔
Markers ✔ ✔
Nesting ✔ ✔
Transitions ✔ ✔
Audio/Video Effects ✖ ✖
Linear Speed Effects ✔ ✖
Fancy Speed Effects ✖ ✖
Color Decision List ✖ ✖
Image Sequence Reference ✖ ✖



This repository is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Testing for Development

# In the root folder of the repo
pip install -e .

# Test adapter
otioconvert -i some_timeline.aaf -o some_timeline.ext

If you are using a version of OpentimelineIO that still has the AAF contrib adapter you may need to add the path of plugin_manifest.json to your OTIO_PLUGIN_MANIFEST_PATH environment variable. This should override the contrib version.


If you have any suggested changes to the otio-aaf-adapter, please provide them via pull request or create an issue as appropriate.

All contributions to this repository must align with the contribution guidelines of the OpenTimelineIO project.