
Essential nuances for Python Scapy revolving around packet hacking

802, 11, wifi, ether, scapy, packet, essentials
pip install packetEssentials==1.0.2



An essential set of modules for working with packets using the Scapy Library in Python. Highly geared around 802.11, but still useful for Ethernet.

Brief module descriptions


Import for lib/ This class is for channel/frequency specific tasks

  • twoFour(val)
    """"Converts the 2.4GHz frequency to its decimal-based counterpart"""
    print chanFreq.twoFour(2412)


Import for lib/ Class for simple conversions

  • symString(packet, field)
    """Shows the symblic string for a given field"""
    for i in range(200):
        p[0].FCfield = i
        print str(i) + '--' + conv.symString(p[0][Dot11], 'FCfield')


Import for lib/ This class identifies the given offsets for drivers

  • drivers(val)
    """Returns the numeric driver offset for a given driver"""
    print drv.drivers('ath9k')


Import for lib/ This class is for naming of subtypes where symStrings doesn't work

  • mgmtSubtype
    """Returns Management Frame Subtypes"""
    print sType.mgmtSubtype(5)
  • ctrlSubtype
    """Returns Control Frame Subtypes"""
    print sType.ctrlSubtype(11)
  • dataSubtype
    """Returns Data Frame Subtypes"""
    print sType.dataSubtype(8)


Import for lib/ Class to deal with packet specific options

  • byteRip
    • Needs example
  • endSwap
    """Takes an object and reverse Endians the bytes"""
    print pt.endSwap('0xaabbcc')
    print pt.endSwap(12345)
    print pt.endSwap('aabbcc')
  • fcsGen
    """Return the FCS for a given frame"""
    ## Thus far, you have built a frame called nPkt.
    ## You have added everything to it, except for the FCS
    nPkt = nPkt/Padding(load =[Dot11], output='str'))

Uninstantiated modules

  • lib/
    • Generates a tap interface
    """Generates a tap interface
    By default, will create tap0 unless an integer parameter is added to Tap()
    ## Create interface of tap3
    import packetEssentials as PE
    nClass = PE.lib.nic
    nTap = nClass.Tap(3)
  • lib/
    • A singular point of contact for tracking purposes
    • Useful for passing around a Class with its associated objects
    ## Keep track of wlan0mon using ath9k
    import packetEssentials as PE
    nUnify = PE.lib.unifier
    nUni = nUnify.Unify('ath9k')
    nUni.nic = 'wlan0mon'
    print nUni.offset
    print nUni.nic